#7 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval  #8 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval
New MyRaif convenient application
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  • For private customers
  • For businesses
  • Premium
  • Corporate clients

Online servicing

Greetings! I am Rea.

I will help you get a certificate, a statement or a receipt, go through re-identification or order cash or file the necessary application for services without a visit to a branch!

Raif is wherever convenient for you – just a click or a call away.

 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval

For Private Individuals

Certificates, statements of accounts, cards, loans – order to your Email

Raiffeisen Express transfer – file an application to receive

Western Union transfer - file an application to receive

Deposits – activation of automatic replenishment service, early closing

Copy of automatic payments receipt in Raiffeisen Online in PDF format to an E-mail (insurance, loan repayment, deposit replenishment)

Remote funds transfer to a relative’s account

Pledged property – free of charge release of movable or immovable property

Lease of individual safe deposit boxes – agreement prolongation

Closing an account - current/Universal deposit

Change of salary organization - If you change your place of work, we can register you with the new organization online.

We help with ordered of insurance products:

- MTPL and Green Card for drivers in Ukraine and abroad;

- Medical insurance abroad.

For Business

Re-identification of all segments’ customers

Certificates, statements, audit requests on card, current, deposit or credit accounts
 Order cash to be received at a cash desk or delivered to an office

Transactions with QES:

You don’t have a QES? Free of charge QES for the Bank’s new business customers!  

Acquiring – signing an Application on Services, registration of an additional point, agreement closing

Current accounts – opening in domestic/foreign currency, opening an account for the crediting of special-purpose funds in domestic currency 2604, account closing

Card accounts – business card issue/reissue, service package change, accounts closing

Raiffeisen Business Online – access granting to remote servicing systems

We help with ordered of insurance products:

- MTPL and Green Card for drivers in Ukraine and abroad;

- Medical insurance abroad.

For Private Individuals

Write us

[email protected]
 Raiffeisen Online application ➡ Main screen ➡Top right ➡Chat

Call us

0 800 500 500 (free of charge) For calls from abroad: +38 (044) 044 230 99 98 (at the operator’s tariffs) or [email protected] (free of charge with Skype). Details in Instruction.

For Business

Write us

 An inquiry by means of a Letter in Raiffeisen Business Online or in a mobile application

Call us

For calls from abroad +38 (044) 230 99 98 (at the operator’s tariffs) or [email protected] (free of charge with Skype)

 #2 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval
 #3 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval

Do you need to resolve any financial issue with the Bank?

Ask for help in Raiffeisen Online Chat.
Every day from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Chat specialists are always ready to provide the highly qualified and fast online support.
To write a question go to the 
Raiffeisen Online application ➡ Main screen ➡Top right ➡Chat.

 #4 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval
 #5 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval

Write me in Viber to find out about:

• Card balance • Closest branch or ATM • Methods of loan repayment • Useful information on settlements abroad

Useful information

How to find out about the service tariffs?
How can a new customer open an account online?

1) A private entrepreneur has the opportunity to open accounts with the Bank remotely online (with the QES-key and registration in the DIA application). To use the service, follow the link.

2) In other cases, private entrepreneurs and companies — legal entities who wish to open accounts in Raif, can remotely submit the necessary package of documents to the Bank (with the QES-key). How to order the service? 

a) Fill out the online form using the link.

b) An employee of the Bank will contact you and arrange a video call at a time convenient for you. For video verification (the Microsoft Teams service is used), you will receive an invitation to your e-mail address.

c) Send to email ([email protected]) documents for opening an account, signed by the QES on the website czo.gov.ua. or other PROVIDER of Qualified electronic trust services, using QES.

How to open an additional account for an existing customer?

The service is available to current business clients of the Bank.

Employees of the Virtual branch Bank will help you open additional accounts in national (including 2604) and foreign currencies, remotely, without visiting the branch.

How to order the service? 

1) Send a request to the Bank in any convenient way for you:

Raiffeisen Business Online: open the "LETTERS" menu → create a letter with the subject "Opening and maintenance of a current account", indicate the essence of the request in the letter → sign the letter.

Send a request to e-mail ([email protected]): specify the essence of the request in the letter.

Order the service through the Contact Center (0 800 505 045).

2) An employee of the Virtual Branch Bank can contact you to clarify the request, will prepare and send you an Application for opening an account for signature, which will already be signed by the Bank's QES-key.

3) The application must be signed on the website czo.gov.ua, or another PROVIDER of Qualified electronic trust services, using the QES → send to the Bank through one of the channels indicated above.

How to order or reissue a card?

The service is available to current business clients of the Bank.

Employees of the Virtual branch Bank will help you remotely, without visiting the branch:

a) open a new card account and issue a business card to it in national and foreign currencies, or

b) reissue a business card, or

c) issue an additional business card to an already existing account.

How to order the service?

1) Send a request to the Bank in a convenient way for you:

Raiffeisen Business Online: open the "LETTERS" menu → create a letter with the subject "Business and Corporate Cards", indicate the essence of the request in the letter → sign the letter.

Send a request to e-mail ([email protected]): specify the essence of the request in the letter.

Order the service through the Contact Center (0 800 505 045).

2) An employee of the Virtual branch can contact you to clarify the request, will prepare and send you the appropriate Application for signature, which will already be signed by the Bank's QES key.

3) The application must be signed on the website czo.gov.ua or another PROVIDER of Qualified electronic trust services, using the QES → send to the Bank through one of the channels indicated above.

How to change the existing service package for a new one?

The service is available to current business clients of the Bank.

Employees of the Virtual branch will help you change the tariff package remotely, without visiting the branch.

How to order the service?

1) Send a request in any convenient way for you:

Raiffeisen Business Online: open the "LETTERS" menu → create a letter with the subject "Tariff package change", indicate the essence of the request in the letter → sign the letter.

Send a request to e-mail ([email protected]): specify the essence of the request in the letter.

Order the service through the Contact Center (0 800 505 045).

2) An employee of the Virtual Branch can contact you to clarify the request, will prepare and send you the appropriate Application for signature, which will already be signed by the Bank's QES key.

3) The application must be signed on the website czo.gov.ua or another PROVIDER of Qualified electronic trust services, using the QES → send to the Bank through one of the channels indicated above.

How to activate the electronic signature key for Raiffeisen Business Online?

Get acquainted with the options for activating the Advanced electronic signature key (Bank key), in particular if you have difficulties visiting the Bank's branches in Ukraine, by following the link.

How should an individual entrepreneur change the financial mobile phone number?

Private entrepreneurs can remotely, without visiting the branch, change their financial number if necessary.

How to order the service?

Call the information center (0 800 505 045), inform the operator about the need, choose a convenient option:

(option 1) A copy of the application for filling out will be sent to your email address. Sign the application on the website czo.gov.ua or another PROVIDER of Qualified electronic trust services, using the QES, and send the application to the mail ([email protected]).


(option 2) Video verification of the client in Microsoft Teams. An employee of the Bank will contact you and arrange a video call at a time convenient for you. For video verification (the Microsoft Teams service is used), you will receive an invitation to your e-mail address.

How to order the Acquiring service?

The service is available to current business clients of the Bank.

Employees of the Virtual branch will help you remotely, without visiting the branch:

• Enter into an Agreement with the Bank on the provision of trade acquiring services;

• Register a new trading place;

• Other settings.

How to order the service?

1) Send a request in any convenient way for you:

Raiffeisen Business Online / Client-Bank Bifit: open the "LETTERS" menu → create a letter with the subject "Acquiring: connection and service", indicate the essence of the request in the letter → sign the letter.

Send a request to e-mail ([email protected]): specify the essence of the request in the letter.

Order the service through the Contact Center (0 800 505 045).

2) An employee of the Virtual branch can contact you to clarify the request, will prepare and send you the appropriate Application for signature, which will already be signed with the QES key from the Bank.

3) The application must be signed on the website czo.gov.ua or another PROVIDER of Qualified electronic trust services, using the QES → send to the Bank through one of the channels indicated above.

How to connect the standing order service?

Послуга доступна для діючих бізнес-клієнтів Банку.

Також призначена для налаштування постійного платіжного доручення з поточного рахунку у Банку, в національній валюті, наприклад залишку на кінець дня або регулярні платежі в конкретній сумі на дату.

Співробітники Віртуального відділення допоможуть Вам налаштувати послугу дистанційно, без відвідування відділення.

Як замовити послугу? 

1) Направте запит будь-яким зручним для Вас способом:

  • Raiffeisen Business Onlineвідкрийте меню «ЛИСТИ» → створіть лист із темою «Замовлення послуг (сервісів)», в листі зазначте суть запиту → підпишіть лист.
  • Надіслати запит на електронну пошту ([email protected]): в листі зазначте суть запиту.
  • Замовте послугу через Контакт-центр (0 800 505 045).
  • Співробітник Віртуального відділення може зв’язатися з Вами для уточнення запиту, підготує і направить Вам на підпис відповідну 

2) Заяву, яка буде вже підписана ключем КЕП з боку Банку.

3) Заяву потрібно підписати на сайті czo.gov.ua або іншого НАДАВАЧА Кваліфікованих електронних довірчих послуг, з використанням КЕП → надіслати у Банк одним з вказаних вище каналів.

How to connect/disconnect automatic insurance payments?

The service is intended for connection / disconnection of a regular transfer of funds in favor of SC "Unika" under the accident insurance contract "Confidence 24/7" (SC "UNIKA").

Employees of the Virtual branch will help you connect/disable regular money transfer remotely, without visiting the branch.

How to order the service?

1) Send a request in any convenient way for you:

Raiffeisen Business Online: open the "LETTERS" menu → create a letter with the subject "Insurance. Connecting (disabling) automatic payment", indicate the essence of the request in the letter → sign the letter.

Send a request to e-mail ([email protected]): specify the essence of the request in the letter.

Order the service through the Contact Center (0 800 505 045).

2) An employee of the Virtual branch can contact you to clarify the request, will prepare and send you the appropriate Application for signature, which will already be signed with the QES key from the Bank.

3) The application must be signed on the website czo.gov.ua or another PROVIDER of Qualified electronic trust services, using the QES → send to the Bank through one of the channels indicated above.

How to go through re-identification?

For re-identification and transfer of documents to the Bank, use one of the remote channels:

Raiffeisen Business Online (Internet version): open the "DOCUMENTS" menu → create an "Identification" application, attach documents to the application, save the application → sign the application.

Raiffeisen Business Online (Mobile application): open the "LETTERS" menu → create a letter with the subject "Identification", attach documents to the letter → sign the letter.

• Send to e-mail ([email protected]): sign documents on the website czo.gov.ua or another PROVIDER of Qualified electronic trust services, using the QES → send to the mail.

 • Send via the M.E.DOC system: instructions for use in the video at the link.

How to go through financial monitoring?

Use one of our remote channels for financial status assessment (financial monitoring and transfer of documents to the Bank):

Raiffeisen Business Online (Internet version): open the "DOCUMENTS" menu → create a "Financial Monitoring" application, attach documents to the application, save the application → sign the application. An example of using the service is on the video at the link.

Raiffeisen Business Online (Mobile application): open the "LETTERS" menu → create a letter with the subject "Evaluation of financial status, supporting documents", attach documents to the letter → sign the letter.

  • Send to e-mail ([email protected]): sign documents on the website czo.gov.ua or another PROVIDER of Qualified electronic trust services, using the QES → send to the mail.
How to transfer the documents and reports via M.E.DOC?

It has become more convenient for Raiffeisen Bank's clients — private entrepreneurs and legal entities to submit their own reports to the Bank, including for re-identification.

You can send your documents in the M.E.DOC system immediately after receiving the receipt of approval by the state authorities.

How to send statistical and financial reports, as well as accompanying documents using the M.E.DOC system?

1) In the M.E.DOC system, click the button "Create" → "Electronic document" on the toolbar.

2) The "Create a document" window will open, in which on the left panel, select the "Banks" section, and then highlight the line "Documents to the Bank" and click the "Create" button.

3) The "Documents to the Bank" tab will open, which you will need to fill in, save the data and add accompanying documents or reports.

4) When you have added all the files to the application, click the "Submit" button.

 Instructions for use in the video at the link.

Video advices by Raif and link to a video.