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Write to us in the application. Our coordinates: MyRaif app ➡ Main screen ➡Top right ➡MyRaif support (headset)➡ Write in chat.

If you have the questions, please, contact our Information Center - Raiffeisen call center. Hot line - contact numbers:

Call-center phone numbers:

[email protected]

[email protected] - for clients' appeals

Calls from abroad

+38 044 230 99 98 (acc. to tarrifs of provider)

 #2 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval

Estimate our work, make an appointment with the bank's management or report about fraud, corruption and other violations

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Residents of the Crimea

Ways to resolve issues related to the closure of the bank in the Crimea

Informing people

Refer to the organizational units or use the feedback form's context, to address your question.

The key channel for receiving applications in Raiffeisen Bank JSC is the Feedback form placed by the link. Please pay attention that considering the information security rules, Raiffeisen Bank JSC cannot guarantee that all the applications sent to the Bank via other channels, in particular, to emails, will be received and processed.  The notification of the application registration sent to the email specified by the applicant confirms that the Bank received the application to its e-mailbox.

E-mail to inform people about the connection with the bank [email protected]

Inbox JSC "Raiffeisen Bank" that is used solely to informing individuals regarding the acquisition of the status of the stand'asanas with the Bank under article 52 of the Law of Ukraine "On banks and banking activities", No. 2121-III of 07.12.2000, and on the legislative requirements for contracts between the Bank and Wops'related persons.

Letters to this mailbox are informative in nature and do not require a response.

 #3 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval

Central office

4a, Henerala Almazova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01011

Calls from abroad

+38 044 230 99 98 (acc. to tarrifs of provider)

The issue for credit debt

0 800 509 900 - across Ukraine

(044) 496 1146 - in Kyiv

Counterfeit and money laundering

0 800 509 990 - across Ukraine

(044) 230 9959 - in Kyiv

[email protected]

Raiffeisen Online

0 800 500 133 - across Ukraine

0 800 400 533 - across Ukraine

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To write an appeal, go to the Raiffeisen Online application ➡ Main screen ➡Top right ➡Chat.

Raiffeisen Business Online

0 800 505 770 - across Ukraine

0 800 400 470 - across Ukraine

(044) 495 41 40 - in Kyiv and from abroad (acc. to tarrifs of provider)

[email protected]

Mon-Fri from 8:00 to 22:00

Sat-Sun from 8:00 to 20:00

General questions for business customers

0 800 505 045 - across Ukraine

0 800 400 445 - across Ukraine

(044) 590 24 98 - in Kyiv and from abroad (acc. to tarrifs of provider)

Mon-Fri from 8:00 to 22:00

Sat-Sun from 8:00 to 20:00

Monetary settlement for business customers

0 800 500 025 - across Ukraine

0 800 400 425 - across Ukraine

044 299 10 99 - across Ukraine

Mon-Fri from 9:00 to 18:00


0 800 500 738 - across Ukraine

(044) 495 9191 - in Kyiv and from abroad

around the clock

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 #4 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval

Useful information

Memo for customers who contact the management and officials of the bank regarding the appointment of a personal appointment

1. Please fill out the online form on the bank's website by the link: https://www.raiffeisen.ua/kontakty/kontaktna-forma or call: 0 44 490 89 95.
2. During a preliminary appointment for a personal appointment, bank employees may ask you for the following information: your full name, place of residence, content of the issue raised, contact phone number, etc.
3. At the defined by the employee date and time for access to the bank's premises, where personal receptions are held, the applicant must show a document, an identity card.

4. The reception of applicants may be attended by their representatives, whose powers are formalized in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of Ukraine. The presence of outsiders during the personal reception of applicants is not allowed.
5. During the personal reception of the applicant, the head of the bank examines the issue on its merits. In accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, including the normative legal acts of the NBU, as well as the normative documents of the Bank, he provides reasoned answers and takes measures to eliminate violations (if any).

6. If it is impossible to resolve the issues raised in the applicants' appeals directly during the personal reception, they are considered in the general procedure provided by the bank for consideration of written appeals.

How to contact the National Bank of Ukraine

For correspondence: Instytutska, 9, Street, Kyiv-8, 01601
To submit written applications in person to the National Bank of Ukraine: Instytutska, 11-b, Street, Kyiv-8, 01601
Telephone - Hotline of the National Bank of Ukraine 0 800 505 240
For a citizen's electronic appeal - https://bank.gov.ua/admin_uploads/article/form_electronic_appeal_citizen.pdf
How to sign up for a personal appointment with the Management of the National Bank - tel. 0 800 505 240 (Schedule of reception of citizens https://bank.gov.ua/contacts-details

The Regulation "On the Procedure for Reviewing Applications and Personal Reception of Applicants at JSC Raiffeisen Bank" (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) defines the procedure for accepting, registering, considering and providing answers to applications, as well as the main requirements for the organization and conducting of personal reception of Applicants at JSC Raiffeisen Bank » (hereinafter - the Bank).

The application submitted to the Bank can be oral (made by the Applicant, who is a natural person, and recorded by the relevant employee of the Bank during a telephone conversation or personal reception), electronic or written (sent by mail or transferred by the Applicant personally or through an authorized person, if these powers are issued in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine). A written application can also be sent using the Internet, electronic means of communication (electronic application).

In oral form, Appeals are received:
- when the Applicant contacts the Bank's Contact Center by phone;
- when the Applicant contacts the "Fraud Prevention Hotline" at the phone number indicated on the Bank's external website at the link: https://www.raiffeisen.ua;
- at the personal reception of the Applicant by the Bank's management (CEO/Directorate);
- when the Applicant applies to the Department.

In written form of the Appeal:
- received by means of postal communication;
- submitted to the Bank by the Applicant personally or through an authorized representative;
- sent to the Bank using the Internet and electronic means of communication.

In an Appeal submitted by an individual in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Appeals of Citizens", the surname, first name, patronymic, place of residence of the Applicant must be indicated, the essence of the issue raised, remarks, Proposals, Statements (requests) or Complaints, requests must be stated or requirements The written request must be signed by the applicant(s) and dated. The electronic application must also include an electronic mail address to which a reply can be sent to the applicant, or information about other means of communication with him.

A written application without indicating the place of residence, not signed by the author (authors), as well as one from which it is impossible to establish authorship, is recognized as anonymous and is not subject to consideration.

Extract from the normative legal act, which regulates the organization of work with customer appeals regarding the organization of personal reception

Extract from the Regulations on the Procedure for Reviewing Applications and Personal Reception of Applicants at Raiffeisen Bank JSC, approved by Board Resolution No. P-17/2 dated February 1, 2019.
6. Procedure for personal reception of Applicants by the Bank's management:

6.1. Personal reception of Applicants at the Bank is conducted by the Chairman of the Bank's Management Board and regional directors of the Bank's regional directorates and the retail business director of the Kyiv regional directorate of the Bank.
6.2. The schedule of personal reception of Applicants by the Chairman of the Bank's Management Board and regional directors of the Bank's regional directorates and the retail business director of the Kyiv regional directorate of the Bank is approved by the relevant orders of the Bank.

6.3. The procedure for receiving Applicants by the Chairman of the Board is carried out by appointment in the Department of Executive Management and Communications by phone (044) 490 89 95.
6.4. During their absence (business trip/vacation/illness), the Chairman of the Board/regional directors of the Bank's regional directorates and the retail business director of the Kyiv regional directorate may instruct another official of the Bank to conduct a personal reception of the Applicants.

In the event that the Appeal concerns the restructuring of credit obligations of individuals, the Director/acting Director/Head of the Department of Problem Portfolio Quality Management and Development of Debt Settlement Products of the Department of Problem Debt for Retail Customers is responsible for receiving Applicants .
6.5. The Department of Executive Management and Communications/ an employee of the Administrative Service of the OD ensures that information about the schedule of personal reception of the Applicants is placed on the official stand in the Central Office/Directorate of the Bank in an accessible place for free inspection by the Applicants.

During the preliminary appointment for a personal appointment, the following information is obtained from the Applicant:

1. full name;

2. place of residence;
3. content of the raised issue;
4. phone number for communication, etc.
It is not allowed to find out information about the Applicant's identity, which is not related to his Application.
6.6. Applicants may be refused an appointment for a personal appointment on the following grounds:
6.6.1. repeated Appeal of the same Applicant on the issue that was already considered at the Bank and was decided on the merits;
6.6.2. An appeal regarding the appeal of the decision, which was submitted in violation of the terms specified by Article 17 of the Law of Ukraine "On Appeals of Citizens".

Applicants are provided with reasonable explanations regarding the reasons for refusal to make an appointment for a personal appointment.
6.7. Re-admission of Applicants on issues that were already considered during the personal interview or raised in Written Appeals is held if the issues have not been resolved on the merits and there is a need for a re-meeting. In the case of re-registration of Applicants for a personal reception on issues that were already considered during the personal reception, materials related to previous Applications are sent to the Department of Executive Management and Communications (including at its request in electronic form via the Bank's e-mail means) to the FPS press@raiffeisen .ua

6.8. In order to gain access to the Bank's premises, where a personal reception is held, Applicants must present identity documents. The reception of applicants may be attended by their representatives, whose powers are formalized in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of Ukraine.
The presence of outsiders during the personal reception of Applicants is not allowed.

6.9. The Chairman of the Board/regional directors of the Bank's regional directorates/director of retail business issues of the Kyiv regional directorate during the personal reception of the Applicants consider the issues on the merits, provide in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, including the normative legal acts of the NBU, as well as the normative documents of the Bank, substantiated responses and take measures to eliminate violations (if any). If it is not possible to resolve the issues raised in the Applicants' Appeals directly during the personal reception, they are considered in the general procedure provided for in this Regulation for consideration of Written Appeals.

6.10. Written appeals submitted during the personal reception of Applicants are forwarded to the Recordkeeping Service for further registration and referral to the Complaints Processing Unit or the Problem Loans Department for consideration.

Address of personal reception of citizens

Personal reception of citizens is carried out by the management of the bank, subject to prior appointment, at the address: 9 Leskova St., Kyiv.
In order to best solve the essence of the application, the reception can be organized at another address of the Central Office or regional branch of the bank, which the applicant will be additionally informed about.

Reception schedule for oral appeals of citizens - Phone number for making an appointment for a personal appointment

Applicants are accepted by the Chairman of the Bank's Management Board and members of the Bank's Management Board on the condition of prior registration:

by filling out the online form on the bank's website at: https://www.raiffeisen.ua/kontakty/kontaktna-forma
or by phone: 0 44 490 89 95.

The Chairman of the board and members of the board of the Bank may instruct another official of the Bank to conduct a personal reception of the applicant, of which the latter will be notified additionally.

Schedule of personnel reception of citizens by the bank's management:

Full name and position

Reception days and hours

Oleksandr Pysaruk, chairman of the board of the bank

last Thursday of every month from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m

Gerhard Boesch, first deputy chairman of the board

the first Tuesday of each month from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Natalia Gurina, deputy head of the board

the second Thursday of each month from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m

Oksana Shevchenko, deputy chairman of the board

fourth Tuesday of each month from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m

Enkelejd Zotaj, Deputy Chairman of the Board

the third Thursday of each month from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m
The right of the client to apply to the court in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine

(According to Part 1 of Article 16 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, the client has the right to apply to the court for the protection of his personal non-property or property right and interest)


Peculiarities of processing customer appeals and terms of their consideration

Everyone has the right to submit (send) appeals related to the bank's activities to the bank personally or through another person authorized to do so.

In an application submitted by a natural person, the surname, first name, patronymic, place of residence of the applicant must be indicated, the essence of the raised issue, remarks, proposals, statements or complaints, requests or demands must be stated.

The written appeal must be signed by the applicant and dated. The e-mail address must also include an e-mail address to which a reply can be sent to the applicant, or information about other means of communication with him. The application of the applicant's electronic signature when sending an electronic application is not required (except for applications requiring the disclosure of banking secrets and personal data).

Appeals that contain information about violations by bank employees of the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption" No. 1700-VII dated October 14, 2014 may be submitted without indicating authorship (anonymously).A person can apply to the Bank:1. Orally or in writing at the Bank's branch;2. Send a letter to the address 01011, Ukraine, Kyiv, str. Leskova, 9;3. Send an email to [email protected];

4. Fill out the contact form on the Bank's website https://www.raiffeisen.ua/kontakty/kontaktna-forma, specifying your email address.

All structural subdivisions of the bank involved in considering the appeal take maximum measures to resolve the issues raised by the applicant in the appeal as soon as possible.

Appeals are considered and resolved within a period of no more than one month from the date of their receipt by the Bank, and those that do not require additional study and verification - immediately, but no later than 10 calendar days from the date of their receipt.

The response to the applicant's appeal is provided:

1. By sending a written letter to the place of residence indicated by the applicant - if the application was submitted to the bank in writing;

2. By sending an e-mail to the e-mail address specified by the applicant - if the application was submitted to the bank by sending an e-mail, filling out the contact form on the Bank's website, at the request of the Applicant, who indicated this in the written application.

3. Orally when applying to a Bank branch.

The person also has the right to contact the National Bank of Ukraine regarding the resolution of the issues raised in the appeals via the link https://bank.gov.ua/ua/contacts-details#section-2

The applicant's application to the bank or the National Bank of Ukraine does not deprive him/her of the right to apply to the court in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine for the protection of his/her rights and interests.

For refusal to accept and consider an appeal, violation of the deadline for consideration of an appeal, other violations of the client's right to appeal in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, bank officials responsible for considering appeals bear legal responsibility.

24/7 contact center of the Bank:

0 800 500 500 - throughout Ukraine

(044) 490 8888 - in Kyiv

(068) 490 08 88 - from Kyivstar

521 - from Vodafone

What are the requirements for making a written and oral appeal

(Law of Ukraine "On Appeals of Citizens") https://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/393/96-%D0%B2%D1%80

How to apply to Raiffeisen Bank

For correspondence: 9 Leskova Street, Kyiv, 01011
To submit a written request, in person: Leskova Street 9, Kyiv, 01011
Hotline telephone: 0 800 500-500, working hours 24/7
For e-mail: [email protected] or https://www.raiffeisen.ua/kontakty/kontaktna-forma