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Bringing up to date the customers’ data in Raif (re-identification)

Dear Customers!

In order to comply with the requirements of the Regulation “On Conducting Financial Monitoring by Banks” approved by the NBU Board Resolution No. 65 of 19.05.2020, Raiffeisen Bank updates the customer’s data (repeated identification, hereinafter referred to as “re-identification”).

Pursuant to the requirements of the legislation in force, Raiffeisen Bank shall have no right to service the customer, if his/her identification (re-identification) was not held timely. In such cases, the Bank shall be obliged to block the accounts and to limit expense transactions under them. The cooperation shall be resumed, and the accounts shall be unblocked upon provision by the customer of the up-to-date information required for holding of the re-identification.

 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval

There are two types of re-identification:

Planned re-identification

The Bank shall conduct the customers’ re-identification not less frequently than once per year  - once in five years, depending on the level of risk assigned by the bank. But the bank may make clarifications of information more frequently, as the customer adheres to the internal rules that apply in the bank when signing the respective agreement.

Re-identification upon the Bank’s request

Depends on the circumstances occurring in the course of the business relations of the customer with the bank. Such identification shall be held in the following cases:

  • availability of substantial changes in the customer’s activity, in particular:  changes in the property structure, the UBO (ultimate beneficiary owner), the location, changes in activities/volumes of activities, penetration into new markets, etc.);
  • expiration (termination) of the validity, recognition as null and void of the documents that have been submitted to the bank;
  • recognition as null and void /change of the customer’s/ customer’s representatives ID document (passport /ID-card/etc.);
  • finding out the fact of the customer’s belonging to PEPs (PEPs – politically exposed persons, the persons holding important positions in state authorities).

How to pass the re-identification:

For our customers’ convenience, we have prepared several options of passing re-identification.

 #2 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval

For private individuals:

Якщо у вас НЕ відбувалось змін в особистих документах, попередньо наданих до банку (паспорт / ID-картка/тощо), скористайтеся одним з нижченаведених варіантів:

  • Оновіть/підтвердьте свої дані у додатку «MyRaif»
  • Якщо Ви зареєстровані в додатку «MyRaif», перейдіть за посиланням – Оновити дані
  • Якщо у Вас немає додатку «MyRaif», перейдіть за посиланням – Встановити додаток, після чого оновіть/підтвердьте свої дані по маршруту - Інше –> Профіль і налаштування –> Оновити дані
  • Підтвердьте свої дані у додатку Райффайзен Онлайн (у разі наявності такої пропозиції у додатку).
  • Зателефонуйте особисто до нашого Інформаційного центру (0 800 500 500 або 521 для клієнтів Vodafone) та для дзвінків із-за кордону: +38 (044) 230 99 98
  • Залиште запит у чаті додатку MyRaif (іконка навушники-> написати в чат)/Райффайзен Онлайн (Зв’язок з банком – Чат).

Якщо у Вас відбувались зміни в особистих документах, попередньо наданих до Банку (паспорт / ID-картка/тощо), скористайтеся одним з нижченаведених варіантів:

  • Завітайте до найближчого відділення банку з оригіналами Ваших ідентифікаційних документів (обрати найближче відділення).
  • Якщо Ви маєте Дія-підпис, то просимо вас зробити наступне:

- Сфотографувати новий паспорт з обох сторін;

- Отримані фото підписати за допомогою ДІЯ підпису (Інструкція щодо використання ДІЯ підпису);

- Підписані документи на сайті ДІЯ відправити на [email protected] (файл з ДІЯ підписом має бути у форматі p7s) та в темі листа зазначити ПІБ та ІПН.

У разі виникнення питань зателефонуйте за номером 0 800 500 500 або ж залиште запит у чаті додатку MyRaif (іконка навушники-> написати в чат)/ Райффайзен Онлайн (Зв’язок з банком – Чат).

For legal entities and private individuals:

We suggest you use one of the options below:

  • Submit the documents to the Bank via Raiffeisen Business Online. Watch the video and read the instructions  on the simple way of sending documents to the Bank.   
  • Submit the documents via the function “Letters” of the Client-Bank system (read the instructions). 
  • Visit the Bank’s branch (choose the nearest branch). 

If you have any questions, contact business customer support:

☎ 0 800 505 045, 0 800 400 445 (in Ukraine) and

☎ 044 590 24 98 (in Kyiv).

Useful information for Private Individuals and PI-Entrepreneurs

What documents to prepare for bringing the data up to date (re-identification)?

To pass the re-identification, you need to prepare in advance the up-to-date customer’s information. Also, please, prepare the passport  and the tax ID.

The list of documents required for bringing up to date the information of private individuals:

1. Questionnaire, Appendix to the questionnaire (aggressor state) and documents confirming regular income: tax declaration on property status and income (for the last reporting year)/ tax declaration of a single tax payer of a natural person-entrepreneur for the last reporting period.

Standard Questionnaire form

2.Copies of the passport and of the tax ID

Should any changes in the documents previously submitted to the Bank occur, namely:

3. Expiration (termination) of validity, recognition as null and void of the documents that have been submitted to the Bank (ID document, powers of attorney, orders, change of identification data of the customer’s authorized persons), the change of the registration address, the type of activity etc.

4. Or changes in other documents.

Can the third person pass the identification at my place?

The data updating procedure is fulfilled by the account owner personally. 

Why should I pass the re-identification?

According to clause 4) of part 2 of article 8, clause 34) of part 1 of article 1 of Law of Ukraine On Prevention and Counteraction of Illegal Income Legalization (Laundering), Terrorism Financing and Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation, the Bank shall conduct the due diligence check of the existing customers, one of the elements of which is keeping the received and existing documents, data and information on the customer up-to-date. Thus, the Bank shall take steps aimed at confirmation the presence or absence of changes in the documents that have been submitted by the customer at the moment of his/her identification (for example, the passport and the tax ID).

What happens if I don’t provide the up-to-date information?

Pursuant to article 15 of Law of Ukraine On Prevention and Counteraction of Illegal Income Legalization (Laundering), Terrorism Financing and Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation, the Bank shall be obliged to block the accounts for expense transactions and consider the possibility to terminate the business relations.

I’ve got the message about the necessity of re-identification , but I do not manage to prepare the documents in time. Will my accounts be blocked?

To give to our customers the possibility to prepare all the necessary documents for re-identification in advance, we notify them 60 and 30 days.

Will I receive the funds, if the accounts are blocked?

Yes. The funds will be credited to your accounts, but without the possibility to use them until the moment of passing of the re-identification in any manner convenient for you.

How quickly will my account be unblocked after bringing information up-to-date?

The servicing will be resumed within 1 day, if the customer addressed the Bank via remote servicing channels. If the customer updated the data at the Bank’s branch, the account will be unblocked automatically.

Useful information for Legal Entities

What Company documents must be prepared for data updating (re-identification)?

1. QuestionnaireAppendix to the questionnaire (aggressor state) and a schematic representation of the ownership structure

2. Report on financial results (f. No. 2) for the last reporting year with a note of receipt or a receipt from the controlling body.

3. If there have been changes in the Company, then also prepare documents that confirm them:

- identification documents of the new owner, co-owner or final beneficial owner (FBO)

- updated founding and registration documents

- new powers of attorney / documents for the appointment of a manager or authorized persons

 Download the list of documents.

Can Company update data online?


Through Internet banking Raiffesen Business Online menu "Documents" - Application "Identification" or through the functionality "Letters" of the system "Client-Bank" (BIFIT).
Instructions here:
 Raiffesen Business Online"Client-Bank" (BIFIT).
If the Company does not use Internet banking, then all documents can be sent to the 
Please note that all documents sent to the mailbox must be signed by the KEP of the head / authorized person of the Company.

How do you know when it's time to update Company's data?

We inform clients about the need to update data through Internet banking in 60, 30, and 14 days, and also remind about the expiration of the re-identification deadline on the last day of data update.
Don't forget to read emails from Raif, we only send important information.

What will happen if you do not submit relevant information and documents about the Company in time?

The legislation of Ukraine obliges the bank, in the event of the client's failure to provide or refusal to update the data, to make a decision to refuse further financial transactions, close accounts and even terminate business relations.
We are guided by the "Regulations on Financial Monitoring by Banks", approved by Resolution of the NBU Board No. 65 of May 19, Y2020, and Part 6 of Art. 11 and Article 15 of the Law of Ukraine "On prevention and countermeasures against the legalization (laundering) of criminal proceeds, the financing of terrorism and the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction".

Company current accounts are blocked, how to unblock them?

It is necessary to submit up-to-date information and documents about the Company to the bank as soon as possible, after verification of which, the Company's accounts will be unblocked.

You can also refer to the official webpage of the NBU, where you can find the answers to the most frequently asked  questions.