Cash loan for pensioners #12 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Cash loan for pensioners #13 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval
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Cash loan for pensioners

available to existing customers of Raiffeisen Bank

Cash loan for pensioners | Raiffeisen Bank Aval

Cash loan for pensioners #2 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval

For any purpose

If you could get everything you want, what would it be? Home or car renovation, the best home appliances or your version!

Cash loan for pensioners #3 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval

Up to 100 000 UAH

We issue for any purpose. A cash loan is available to customers who receive a pension on a Raiffeisen Bank card.

Cash loan for pensioners #4 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval

Fewer documents

Only passport and code

Cash loan for pensioners #5 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval

Flat rate

The interest rate for the entire loan period remains unchanged and is fixed in the contract

Cash loan for pensioners #6 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval

No mortgage and guarantors

No additional security is required other than formal employment

Cash loan for pensioners #7 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval

No additional fees

There are no commissions for the loan, monthly payments and early repayment

Cash loan for pensioners #8 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval

Convenient repayment

The loan is repaid online or automatically from your card, so there is no need to visit the cash register

Cash loan for pensioners #9 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval

No queues at checkout

The credit is credited to the card, money can be withdrawn at any time and in a convenient place or pay for large purchases

Useful information for pensioners

regardless of the size of the pension

Loan amount

from 2 000 to 100 000 UAH

Credit term

from 36 to 72 months

Interest rate

from 36,00% to 41,90% yearly

Accompanying services of 3 persons

Compulsory life insurance of the borrower

0,09% per month on 36 months

it is paid on a lump sum at the expense of credit funds

insurer - PJSC «Insurance company «UNIQA Life»

Supporting services of the Bank

Оpening and maintenance of the Account "For payments"

The service is provided free of charge. Service fees here.

Maximum loan amount - 100 000 UAH.

The maximum term of the loan is 72 months.

The annual interest rate on the loan from 36.00% to 41.90%.

The real annual interest rate on the loan depends on the size, term of the loan and the chosen voluntary insurance program and can range from 44,84%54,94%.

The proposal does not apply to the territories temporarily occupied or not under the control of the Ukrainian authorities.

Terms of service provision in accordance with the rules of the Bank.

Requirements for a client to complete a loan agreement are determined by the Bank's internal documents.

All information about services on or in the branches of the Bank. Banking license of the NBU No. 10 dated 02.07.2021. Listed in the state register of banks on 03/27/1992. from No. 94.

Warning to individual customers when using the Cash Loan consumer credit service 

The service of JSC Raiffeisen Bank (hereinafter - the Bank) providing consumer loans under the "Cash Credit" lending program is provided by the Bank to individual clients under the terms of the Banking Service Agreement.

The banking service agreement (hereinafter - the Agreement) is an accession agreement (Article 634 of the Civil Code of Ukraine) and consists of a public offer, a statement of acceptance of a public offer/agreement, "Rules for banking services for individuals in JSC Raiffeisen Bank, the Bank's tariffs and an application for granting loan "Cash loan".

In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the client of the credit obligations established by the Agreement, the client bears responsibility in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine and the terms of the Agreement.

Thus, for late payment by the client of any monetary obligations under the loan, the client must pay, at the request of the Bank, a penalty in the amount of 1% (one percent) of the amount of the overdue payment for each calendar day of the delay. The amount of such a penalty cannot exceed double the NBU accounting rate that was in effect during the period for which the penalty is paid, and cannot be more than 15% of the overdue payment amount. The cumulative amount of the penalty charged for breach of the Client's obligations under the Credit cannot exceed half of the amount of credit funds received by the Client in accordance with the Application - Agreement, and cannot be increased by agreement of the Parties.
The aggregate amount of penalties and other payments payable by the Client for breach of his obligations under the Credit, the total amount of which does not exceed the amount of one minimum wage, cannot exceed the amount of twice the amount of credit funds received by the Client in accordance with the Application-Agreement, and not may be increased by agreement of the Parties. If the Client fails to fulfill his obligations under such a Loan, the total amount of which does not exceed the amount of one minimum wage, the interest rate under the Loan, the procedure for its calculation, the procedure for paying interest cannot be changed to the detriment of the Client.
The penalty is calculated starting from the next calendar day after the date when the corresponding monetary obligation was to be fulfilled, and until the day of the Client's fulfillment of the overdue obligation, inclusive.

The Bank is prohibited from requiring the client to purchase any goods or services from the Bank or a related or related person as a prerequisite for providing a consumer credit service (except for the provision of a package of banking services).

The Bank does not have the right to unilaterally make changes to the "Cash Credit" loan application concluded with the client, unless otherwise established by the Agreement or the law.

The client can refuse to receive advertising materials through remote communication channels.

Borrower requirements:

1. The age of the borrower from 35 to 73 years old on the end date of the loan

3. Ukrainian citizenship

4. Permanent residence on the territory of Ukraine. 

5. Continuous monthly income.

6. Permanent stay within the borders of the territories controlled by the Ukrainian authorities.

Necessary documents:

1. Ukrainian citizen's passport or ID card. 

2. Taxpayer identification code.

How to apply for a loan:

Cash loan for pensioners #10 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval

Go to the mobile app Raiffeisen Online

Cash loan for pensioners #11 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval

Call us on 0 800 500 500 (521 from Vodafone)

Important and useful information

The Public Offer of Raiifeisen Bank Aval JSC on bank services accounting
On the right of the consumer to refuse the consumer loan agreement

The Client has the right within 14 calendar days from the date of conclusion of the Application-Agreement to refuse the Consumer Credit Service without explaining the reasons, including in the case of receiving the Loan funds by the Client.The Client shall notify the Bank of the intention to refuse the Service in written paper form. Within 7 calendar days from the date of submission of a written notice of refusal of the Service, the Client is obliged to return to the Bank the funds received in accordance with the Application-Agreement, including those provided for the purpose of paying the insurance payment (premium), and to pay Interest for the period starting from from the date of granting the Loan (inclusive) to the day of their return at the rate established by the Application-Agreement.

Terms of early termination of loan agreement:

The loan (credit) service is provided under the terms of the Banking Service Agreement, which consists of a public offer, application for acceptance of the public offer / agreement, Rules of banking services for individuals in Raiffeisen Bank JSC (hereinafter - the Rules), lender's tariffs.

The Agreement may be terminated by agreement of the parties, at the initiative of one of the parties or in cases provided by the legislation of Ukraine.

The Bank has the right to initiate the termination of the Agreement in the presence of one of the following circumstances: breach by the client of its obligations to the Bank under the Agreement or other agreements; in case of carrying out by the client and / or on the accounts of the client of the forbidden (forbidden) operation (s) or operation (s), which contain features that are subject to financial monitoring; the occurrence of circumstances that are grounds for termination of the Bank's provision of services provided by the Agreement to the client; closing all client accounts opened under the terms of the Agreement; absence of the fact of using the Bank's services provided by the Agreement.

 In case of termination of the Agreement at the initiative of the Bank, the Bank shall terminate the provision of services under the Agreement from the date of sending the relevant notice to the client (or within another period provided by the notice).

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