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Cumulative programs for high education or additional pension

 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval

The long-term savings and protection program form insurance company UNIQA Life that will help you to meet your plans in future (high education for your childrens or your additional pension)

Benefits of the program

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Guarantee savings

The opportunity is guaranteed to accumulate the required amount due to the burdensome periodic dues and the payment schedule
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Insurance protection

Upon making the first payment, you and your family is under financial protection
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Tax credit

The annual return of the government portion of insurance premiums paid by
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Extra income

You get a guaranteed income of 4% pa (UAH) and 2% per annum (euro, dollar), as well as additional investment income

Choose your option of monthly payment and contract's duration

The smaller amount in each cell is the initial and guaranteed amount of accumulation and insurance protection which is immediately specified in the insurance contract.
The biggest sum is is the total expected amount of funds that the client will receive if the client increases the amount of payment (indexation) by 10% annually, and it also consists of additional investment income and annual payment of tax benefits to the client.

To order service go by the link

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  • Безкоштовно за допомогою Райффайзен Онлайн, якщо Ви маєте платіжну картку Райффайзен Банку
  • Безкоштовно при налаштуванні Регулярного переказу коштів з карткового рахунку Райффайзен Банку
  • Безкоштовно на платіжному порталі Портмоне
  • Оплата в касі відділення Райффайзен Банку *

* Комісія за платежі через касу банку на рахунок СК «УНІКА Життя» – 1% (не менше 50 грн).

The reliability of the program is guaranteed by the company UNIQA Life, the main insurance partner of Raiffeisen Bank

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Austrian insurance group

UNIQA Insurance Group operates in 1811, operates in 19 countries in Europe, and in Ukraine since 2006
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Stable development

NICK's Life - the # 1 company in 2014 - 2021 for the insurance customers of banking institutions and every year the three largest insurance companies of Ukraine

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UNIKA Life acting

Payments UNIQA Life its customers: 32.8 million UAH in 2019, 23.5 million UAH in 2020, 38 million UAH in 2021

Permanent partners UNIQA Life in Ukraine


Useful information – Important information:

Information about the insurance agent
Terms of insurance from PJSC "IC "UNIQA ** Life"

Cumulative programs for high education or additional pension: