Online-magazine for Business | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Online-magazine for Business #2 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval
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Can a FLP system-wideist go on vacation?
Can a FLP system-wideist go on vacation?

An entrepreneur can go on vacation at any time convenient for him. Whether this should be documented and whether he is exempted from paying taxes, we will consider in this consultation.

No Meat Milk: The Revolution of Plant Food
No Meat Milk: The Revolution of Plant Food

More and more people are switching to vegetable nutrition, vegetarianism and consciously abandon meat and meat products. With the growing demand for such products, there are more and more new solutions for the vegetable market.

IRT: Interactive Hospitality Technologies
IRT: Interactive Hospitality Technologies

Every owner of a hospitality business is looking for methods and ways to help his business grow and attract more customers. Kodisoft offers interactive technologies that will not only increase traffic in institutions and the average check, but also optimize business processes.

Business no longer needs to sell part of its foreign exchange earnings
Business no longer needs to sell part of its foreign exchange earnings

The NBU has canceled the mandatory sale of foreign currency earnings for business entities. Experts say this is the most liberal move of the NBU in recent years. The norm, which obliges entrepreneurs to sell 30% of their foreign exchange earnings on the interbank market, has ceased to operate since June 20.

Entrepreneur Cyber Hygiene
Entrepreneur Cyber Hygiene

With the development of digitalization, threats to information security for each business are growing. Ukraine is vulnerable to hacker attacks, not only the financial and transport systems, but also small businesses suffer from them. How to protect information from external influences?

Apply customer experience in sales
Apply customer experience in sales

It is very important for each business for development to periodically conduct an analysis of its activities and correct errors. Today we’ll talk about Customer experience - simply customer experience. How to analyze it and on its basis to build long-term relationships with customers and increase sales? Advises Julia Pelikh-Yagoda, sales expert.

New energy market: what should business expect from summer
New energy market: what should business expect from summer

From July 11, 2019, the energy industry will enter the transitional phase of creating a competitive energy market in the country, which should be completed before July 11, 2020. We are talking about the abolition of the current state monopoly on the wholesale trade in electricity represented by the State Enterprise Energorynok with the transition to direct sale of electricity from producers to suppliers and consumers and the emergence of competitive market segments.

Change in the price of a part of a single product
Change in the price of a part of a single product

When the price of a part of a single product changes, the RK should be made up to NR with such a nomenclature reset and the introduction

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