Online-magazine for Business | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Online-magazine for Business #2 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval
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YouControl at Raiffeisen Business ChatBot: Three-Click Business Intelligence
YouControl at Raiffeisen Business ChatBot: Three-Click Business Intelligence

Many business owners and private entrepreneurs are familiar with the YouControl service, a unique analytical system for business intelligence, market analysis, and verification of suppliers or buyers. Recently, business banking clients at Raiffeisen Bank Aval can also use the information of this resource when registering in the Raiffeisen Business chatbot

How to get partial unemployment benefits for employees
How to get partial unemployment benefits for employees

In connection with quarantine, many entrepreneurs are forced to reduce their activities. Therefore, their employees lost all or part of their wages. To somehow compensate for these losses, on April 22, the government adopted Decree No. 306 on assistance for partial unemployment during the quarantine period for SMEs

Innovation in Agricultural Financing
Innovation in Agricultural Financing

The process of interaction between farmers and banks is simplified, said Nikolai Volkov, Head of Corporate Projects and Partnerships at Raiffeisen Bank Aval. In the new season, a third, but not superfluous: a specialized platform or a supplier partner may be added to the traditional client-bank pair

What opportunities does the “land law” give to business?
What opportunities does the “land law” give to business?

Adoption of the Law “On introducing amendments to the deed legislative acts of Ukraine to protect the lands of the Slovskospodarsky sign” is a positive factor for the market. In fact, it gives agricultural companies the opportunity to buy land since the summer of 2021, opens up a new direction for investment and stimulates the development of the industry. Market expert, representative of Raiffeisen Bank Aval Nikolay Volkov told us what is written between the lines of the mentioned document

How to submit reports under quarantine and whether to pay taxes
How to submit reports under quarantine and whether to pay taxes

Despite the fact that quarantine has been declared in the country and many entrepreneurs have suspended their business, no one has exempted them from paying taxes and reporting. We will figure out if there is a way out of this situation and how to do it right

Intelligent energy metering systems
Intelligent energy metering systems

Optimizing the costs of manufacturing and running a business is the number two task in the current realities after maintaining the functioning of the business in general. Utility costs occupy a significant part in the cost structure of production and other types of resource-intensive business. How is it possible to control the entire process of consumption of electricity, water and heat, as well as reduce their energy consumption, says Denis Zhitnitsky, Director of NPF EnergoSistemy LLC

Land Trading Market: Background and Innovation
Land Trading Market: Background and Innovation

For almost 30 years, Ukraine has had a moratorium on the sale of agricultural land. How the Law “On Amending Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning the Turnover of Agricultural Land” will change the situation, the expert says

New programs - to the new agro-season
New programs - to the new agro-season

When developing new financial products, Raiffeisen Bank Aval always meets the needs of its customers. Speaking of agribusinesses, the bank's proposals close all stages of their production cycle. But the place is a new solution, even in a busy portfolio, today we will talk about them

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