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Ukrainian - instead of Asian. Prospects for manufacturers
Ukrainian - instead of Asian. Prospects for manufacturers

Every crisis provides new opportunities. Domestic manufacturers should try to partially replace Asian suppliers, especially Chinese suppliers, for Europe. In Ukraine, almost every second enterprise depends on imported raw materials or parts, and this is also a significant potential. We talked about how supply chains are changing, what forecasts and prospects exist, with the executive director of the Union of Ukrainian Entrepreneurs, Yekaterina Glazkova

Lease Agreement: termination impossible to continue
Lease Agreement: termination impossible to continue

The crisis has made adjustments both in business development and in the economy of Ukraine and the world. Many entrepreneurs are forced to reformat and optimize business processes. As a result, the need to rent part or all of the commercial premises that were previously used has disappeared. Is it possible to prematurely terminate the lease? The answer is given by the partner of the law firm "Antika" Alexander Burtovoy

The government has introduced the payment of assistance to children of FLP-co-drivers
The government has introduced the payment of assistance to children of FLP-co-drivers

In connection with quarantine, many entrepreneurs were forced to cease or reduce their activities and were in a difficult financial situation. The government decided to help single entrepreneurs with children under the age of 10. Consider how to get help and what you need

Quarantine-independent. Gardening on the rise
Quarantine-independent. Gardening on the rise

Unlike many others, businesses aimed at gardeners, gardeners, gardeners, during quarantine, rose in the wake of popularity. All city dwellers who had the opportunity wanted to sit out forced isolation in the village or in the country. Accordingly, gardening goods entered the top 5 categories of products for which there is increased demand for the second month in a row

Video marketing as an anti-crisis tool
Video marketing as an anti-crisis tool

People spend almost 16 hours a week watching online videos in the “normal” period of life. During quarantine and exit from it (due to residual habits), this figure can be safely doubled. 84% of consumers say they made a purchase decision after watching the video. These results are demonstrated by a study conducted by Wyzowl. Is this a reason to think about strengthening the role of video marketing in your anti-crisis communications

Trade: New Crisis-Based Formats
Trade: New Crisis-Based Formats

The pattern of customer behavior in Ukraine during the crisis caused by coronavirus and quarantine has changed dramatically. Online purchases, take-away services, distance work, courier delivery, new trading technologies - all this is gradually becoming familiar. So, entrepreneurs should pay attention to new formats of old activities

5 must-have technologies for business in new realities
5 must-have technologies for business in new realities

“The quarantine and the ensuing crisis are a good chance for Ukrainian entrepreneurs to reorganize. For this, nothing needs to be created, you need to analyze what has already been created in the world and is working, and start new technologies for yourself, ”said Yevgeny Sarantsov, IT entrepreneur and founder of the open innovation platform

Legislative changes: will public procurement become more transparent and efficient
Legislative changes: will public procurement become more transparent and efficient

In September last year, the Verkhovna Rada adopted a number of amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Public Procurement". On April 19, 2020, they entered into force. Managing partner of the law firm "Antika", Ph.D. Oleksiy Kot analyzed the changes and innovations that await participants and customers of procurement procedures

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