The government has introduced the payment of assistance to children of FLP-co-drivers #3 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval The government has introduced the payment of assistance to children of FLP-co-drivers #4 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval
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The government has introduced the payment of assistance to children of FLP-co-drivers #13 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval The government has introduced the payment of assistance to children of FLP-co-drivers #14 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval The government has introduced the payment of assistance to children of FLP-co-drivers #15 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval The government has introduced the payment of assistance to children of FLP-co-drivers #16 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval The government has introduced the payment of assistance to children of FLP-co-drivers #17 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval The government has introduced the payment of assistance to children of FLP-co-drivers #18 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval
22 May 2020

The government has introduced the payment of assistance to children of FLP-co-drivers

In connection with quarantine, many entrepreneurs were forced to cease or reduce their activities and were in a difficult financial situation. The government decided to help single entrepreneurs with children under the age of 10. Let's consider how to get help and what is needed for this.

On April 22, Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 329 approved the procedure for the payment of assistance to FLP co-students of groups I and II for children. Such assistance is provided for the quarantine period established by the CMU resolution, and for one month after the date of its cancellation.

Who is eligible for assistance?

PF-singers of groups I and II are entitled to receive help for children, regardless of whether they received income during this period or not. Because this assistance is provided not as compensation for lost income, but as social assistance for children. It also doesn’t matter whether the co-workers of the second group of employees are employed or not.

Under what conditions can it be obtained?

Assistance is provided if the FLP has children under the age of 10 years inclusive. Provided that during all months of 2019 he paid ERUs. If the FLP only registered in 2019, then if it paid ERUs for all months after state registration. If both parents are registered with FLP in the family, assistance is provided to one of them for each child. Getting other types of assistance does not deprive the FLP of the right to this assistance. Children who are paid compensation for the “municipal nanny” service are not eligible for this assistance.

Where to go for help?

You should ask for help at the Social Security Administration at the address of the place of actual residence of the FLP or at the address of the place of registration as FLP. But you can get such help only at one address. And this body of social protection will be sure to check using its own information systems. In rural areas, contact persons authorized by the executive committees of village and town councils. They will accept documents for assigning child benefits and transfer them to the relevant social security authorities.

What documents should be provided?

To assign benefits to children, the applicant submits / sends the application for social protection to the public in the prescribed form (annex to Procedure No. 329) and documents confirming the right to receive assistance. The main documents are:

- copies (photocopies) of birth certificates of children under 10 years old;

- a certificate (photocopy) from the Pension Fund on the payment of ERUs (individual information about the insured person in the form OK-7). (The OK-7 certificate can be obtained electronically through the PFU services portal.)

This package of documents can be provided both in paper and in electronic form. During the quarantine period, documents in paper form can be provided by mail (by registered mail with a description of the attachment). If the FLP decided to submit documents in electronic form, then you need to fill out a special form on the portal on the website of the Ministry of Social Policy and sign it with an electronic signature.

How soon are documents reviewed and a decision made?

The submitted documents are considered by the social security authority within three business days from the date of receipt of the application with all the necessary documents.

How much and how is the allowance paid?

Assistance is provided in the amount of the subsistence minimum established for children of the corresponding age groups as of January 1, 2020, and is paid monthly for a full month.

According to the 2020 state budget, the cost of living for children is:

• children under the age of 6 years: from January 1, 2020 - 1779 hryvnias, from July 1 - 1859 hryvnias, from December 1 –1921 hryvnias;

• children aged 6 to 18 years: from January 1, 2020 - 2218 hryvnias, from July 1 - 2318 hryvnias, from December 1 - 2395 hryvnias.

If the child becomes older during the receipt of assistance, the amount of assistance is reviewed taking into account the corresponding amount of the living wage from the next month. For example, if in April the child was 6 years old, then in April the help for him will amount to another 1779 UAH, and from May it will be provided in the amount of 2218 UAH.

Assistance for children is paid through the institutions of authorized banks in accordance with the Procedure for the payment of pensions and cash assistance. So, before submitting documents, you should contact the bank to open an appropriate account to receive it.

Natalia Shcherbak, tax consultant