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Простими словами про важливі речі

KVEDs Intricacy
KVEDs Intricacy

In an effort to increase business profitability, entrepreneurs are looking for new areas of activity. What is important, they must necessarily be recorded in the form of KVED.

Golden spice from Ukraine
Golden spice from Ukraine

Vitaliy Shakalo from the Kherson region was engaged in traditional vegetable and berry crops, but he was the first in Ukraine to risk growing saffron. How is the saffron business done?

Starting from September 1 the State Labor Service of Ukraine resumes its inspections
Starting from September 1 the State Labor Service of Ukraine resumes its inspections

During quarantine, inspections by control authorities were significantly limited, so some employers who were able to work used the labor of undocumented workers.

Which financial programs do agrarians need?
Which financial programs do agrarians need?

Farmers season after season are looking for new ways to optimize their costs. To meet their needs, banks and suppliers are working to develop new programs.

What you need to know to get a grant
What you need to know to get a grant

One of the channels for obtaining funds to open or expand a business is grants. Where to look for them, how to write a quality grant application and get funding - in the article.

Business idea: telemedicine or “doctor in smartphone”
Business idea: telemedicine or “doctor in smartphone”

Digitalization has also affected the field of medicine. Nikolai Kisel, the director of Doctor Online, told us about the peculiarities of the telemedicine service.

Linkedin: network advantages for business
Linkedin: network advantages for business

More and more businessmen are looking for the opportunities for additional inflow of customers,attraction of new partners, market places. Linkedin may become a powerfultool. 

Advertising, which certainly works
Advertising, which certainly works

Yevhen Shevchenko, founder of digital agency UAMASTER, in the article “Geolocation technologies in marketing” published in July, told our readers what location-based marketing is and how to search for customers in the Internet taking into account the company’s location. The information on the ways to start attracting customers for particular locations via website and Maps is contained in the following publications of the series.

Простими словами про важливі речі