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Transformation of business: online events
Transformation of business: online events

Companies that specialize in events organization had hard time during the period of strict quarantine restrictions. Many of these companies cancelled or rescheduled the events, but some companies found the way around and went online. Such an experience will be handy in autumn, when a new wave of social distancing is expected. Market players gave advice for their colleagues on how to hold a successful digital event. 

Accounting of goods and primary documents of entrepreneurs
Accounting of goods and primary documents of entrepreneurs

Starting from August 1, 2020 the list of individual entrepreneurs obliged to keep accounts of goods and store primary documents regarding the origination of goods changed. The list was expanded. 

Entrepreneurs will not need to register the Books of Income with the tax office
Entrepreneurs will not need to register the Books of Income with the tax office

On July 14, the Verkhovna Rada adopted in general, and on August 5, the President signed the bill No. 2524 of December 4, 2019 "On amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine regarding the functioning of the electronic cabinet and simplification of the work of individual entrepreneurs."

PPO is coming: choose classic or software?
PPO is coming: choose classic or software?

Starting from August 1, 2020, the test mode of operation of software PPOs and the transition to work in fiscal mode will end. Let's consider how to work with software PPO

How to set up business processes. Step 1: identification
How to set up business processes. Step 1: identification

Many companies have already had to revise their business processes, optimize and adjust them in accordance with new realities. Others have this task in their plans. Natalya Zaverukha, founder of the agency for describing and optimizing business processes Manageable, tells in more detail about how to do this.

Geolocation technologies in marketing
Geolocation technologies in marketing

With the growing use of mobile devices, customer location has become one of the main factors in online marketing. How to attract customers with the help of geolocation technologies, says Eugene Shevchenko, founder of the digital agency UAMASTER

Crisis and post-crisis marketing
Crisis and post-crisis marketing

During the crisis, many businesses optimize costs. Marketing is often included in the cut list. But reducing this function is tantamount to cutting off the branch you're sitting on. Let's talk about why marketing communications are extremely important during a crisis and what tools will be most effective in the summer, after the release from quarantine

Actual business: creating an online school
Actual business: creating an online school

The growth in demand for paid online education in Ukraine appeared long ago due to the controversial quality of the domestic education system and the development of Internet technologies. But the spring quarantine and the prospect of a return to remote control in autumn and winter became a powerful impetus. The unexpectedly fallen responsibility to educate children at home has increased the interest of Ukrainians in this type of education.

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