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SWaG: iron production rules
SWaG: iron production rules

Melitopol company SWaG is known far beyond the region as a manufacturer of spare parts for agricultural machinery and solid fuel boilers. These are highly competitive areas where it’s difficult to work, joining the leaderboard is almost impossible, and staying in position for twenty years is amazing ... How it turned out to be possible is explained by the company's executive director Alexei Simonenko and the promotion department head Natalya Drebeda

Choosing a CRM for a small business
Choosing a CRM for a small business

We are all used to the fact that accounting works with special software, but in the Excel sales department and the phone manager is the norm. But modern business, like the whole modern world, requires relevant solutions. Growing up, small business is aware of the need to choose CRM. What are the selection criteria, what are the advantages and disadvantages of different systems - the head of the Kharkov web studio TessLab Anastasia Ovcharenko helps to understand

New label requirements
New label requirements

Since the beginning of August, the Law "On Information for Consumers on Food Products" entered into force in Ukraine. There is a three-year transitional period for the introduction of new labels, taking into account the requirements of this law. Consider its basic requirements

What does the dairy market expect after the introduction of new production rules?
What does the dairy market expect after the introduction of new production rules?

Since July, new requirements for the quality of milk and dairy products have come into force in Ukraine. Now all responsibility rests with the entrepreneur. Will the industry pull?

Instagram: summer innovations - 2019
Instagram: summer innovations - 2019

Instagram posts average up to 60% organic reach. This is a good indicator for promoting your products or services through this network. What interesting innovations for business have brought to the social network in the summer of 2019, says Ksenia Bondarenko, partner at FAQ-Agency, an expert on Instagram of the women's ecosystem WE ARE

Registration of relations with employees under the law
Registration of relations with employees under the law

In the process of doing business, entrepreneurs quite often ask themselves how to properly formulate relationships with those people who work for them. This is due to the natural desire to optimize their expenses on entrepreneurial activity, including by saving on paying taxes for employees. About how to arrange an employment relationship under the law, says the partner of Antika Law Firm, Sergey Kornienko

The first keto-confectionery in Ukraine: low-calorie business
The first keto-confectionery in Ukraine: low-calorie business

A newfangled keto diet based on a reduction in carbohydrate intake has begun to gain popularity in Ukraine. The first confectionery “Keto Keto” is actively working in this direction

"ARIS"tokratic Bagels
"ARIS"tokratic Bagels

This business story is about how three friends-engineers from Melitopol made the equipment for making corn sticks with their own hands and were among the first to start their production. And then, year after year, they built the ARIS enterprise, which is now in the top ten leaders in the production of bakery and confectionery products in Ukraine

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