Online-magazine for Business | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Online-magazine for Business #2 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval
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Простими словами про важливі речі

Microgreen: big earnings on small sprouts
Microgreen: big earnings on small sprouts

Few people had heard about microgreen as a line of business a couple of years ago, and even among consumers there was poor recognition. Today in Ukraine it is one of the most profitable niches

In Iron Hands: New Robots in Agriculture
In Iron Hands: New Robots in Agriculture

Recent technological developments in agribusiness are amazing. Robots, in particular, allow not only optimizing the business, but also bringing it to a whole new level

Savvy money for small shops
Savvy money for small shops

We are starting a series of articles on low-budget marketing for SMEs, where we will share non-obvious and easy-to-implement features for increasing sales. This material will be useful to owners of small stores of varying degrees of remoteness from megacities.

Together online: how to look for a provider on the Internet
Together online: how to look for a provider on the Internet

The main question that will need to be answered by the entrepreneur opening the store is to solve the problem of where to get the goods. The profit level and overall business efficiency largely depend on this.

DJ on the corn field
DJ on the corn field

Mykhailo Nagornyak, agrarian innovator and owner of the Mnagor seed company, was the first in Ukraine to select instant sweet corn. In parallel with the Americans brought a variety of purple corn. And soon one more innovation will enter the market - sweet corn using Michelin-starred su-vid technology. The entrepreneur told us about his achievements and plans.

Ways to protect trade secrets
Ways to protect trade secrets

The disclosure of trade secrets can cause great harm to business. Is it possible to prevent this and how to act in the event that your employee “leaked” information to competitors, says Managing Partner of Antika Law Firm, Doctor of Law Alexey Kot

The concept of milk production will change in Ukraine
The concept of milk production will change in Ukraine

Since July 16, Ukraine has officially entered into force changes to the requirements for milk production. This will improve the quality and safety of milk and dairy products, as well as export products in accordance with European standards.

Unmanned land transport - a new market segment
Unmanned land transport - a new market segment

If you will not surprise anyone with drones, then unmanned vehicles in Ukraine and the world are still an innovation. The safety and security sector, agricultural sector, transportation, mining - unmanned vehicles for these areas already exist and are being tested. Says Yuri Tikhonov, development manager for the UAV production line of LLC INFOCOM LTD.

Простими словами про важливі речі