Online-magazine for Business | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Online-magazine for Business #2 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval
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Compare products in advertising? Of Course!
Compare products in advertising? Of Course!

On December 11, the Law of Ukraine “On Amending Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine (Concerning the Harmonization of Legislation in the Field of Comparative Advertising with the Law of the European Union)” entered into force. It allows the use of comparative advertising, which was previously banned. Is the domestic advertising market ready for this, says Alexander Tretyakov, senior lawyer at Antika Law Firm

From BP under the tree: what legislative changes to expect in 2020
From BP under the tree: what legislative changes to expect in 2020

Do not deter our legislators from striving for improvement. In the first days of each new year, Ukrainians, especially business, “unpack” more than one package of innovations. 2020 will not be an exception. Therefore, we will talk about the most important legislative changes regarding entrepreneurs

Social networks for business
Social networks for business

In Ukraine, with the support of the EU4Business initiative and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Merezha social platform has been launched, where Ukrainian business owners can find consultants

"New Year" marketing
"New Year" marketing

Every year, expenses of Ukrainians during the New Year holidays are growing. For business, it’s a hot time when you can increase sales with the right marketing tools

How to prepare an online store for the New Year period
How to prepare an online store for the New Year period

The New Year period is the best time to get the maximum benefit for the business. These days, according to research, Ukrainians spend 20% more savings than at any other time. If you prepare correctly, you can not only increase profits, but also sell the remaining products and raise your site in search results

What is responsible marketing?
What is responsible marketing?

More and more often Ukrainian companies use responsible marketing tools. This helps to improve the reputation among customers and partners, demonstrates the reliability of the business, increases the level of trust and brand loyalty. Responsible marketing becomes extremely relevant during the New Year holidays

Premium Business Banking - A New Exclusive Business Client Service Model
Premium Business Banking - A New Exclusive Business Client Service Model

Raiffeisen Bank Aval is a leading Bank for Business, which offers relevant products and services that meet the expectations of business customers, and sometimes even exceed them

“Upgrade the technopark.” Special offer for farmers
“Upgrade the technopark.” Special offer for farmers

An event on the market was a special offer for farmers from Raiffeisen Bank Aval - an unsecured investment loan without a down payment for the purchase of machinery and equipment from a dealer - the Technotorg group of companies. Thanks to the new financing program, updating the technopark for the season will become as accessible as possible for most agricultural producers.

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