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Простими словами про важливі речі

Monotel: space hotel
Monotel: space hotel

Instead of standard numbers - "space" capsules. Instead of cabinets - lockers that open by fingerprint. Technology, environmental friendliness and silent service are the basis of everything. This is the new format for the futuristic capsule hotel Monotel, which opened in Kiev in early October

Smart Cashier: An Innovation for Entrepreneurs
Smart Cashier: An Innovation for Entrepreneurs

Smart Casa is a new and promising gadget for entrepreneurs. It was presented by Ukrainian developers Ukrtrimex at Kyiv Smart City Forum. The equipment under the relevant software will replace the cash register, payment terminals and ledgers for business. Convenient to both entrepreneurs and buyers

Premium Business Banking - A New Exclusive Business Client Service Model
Premium Business Banking - A New Exclusive Business Client Service Model

Raiffeisen Bank Aval is a leading Bank for Business, which offers relevant products and services that meet the expectations of business customers, and sometimes even exceed them

What should farmers do in winter?
What should farmers do in winter?

After the end of the sowing period of winter crops, agrarians begin a period of prolonged winter calm. Of course, there is always enough chores. But this period is almost the only opportunity to devote time to learning and learning new skills

Marketplace: how to make money successfully in the season
Marketplace: how to make money successfully in the season

At peak seasons of holidays and large sales, revenue can be doubled. This is a marketing axiom. But you can burn out by making a number of mistakes by inexperience. How to stay in a good plus and what tools to use when preparing a company for work on marketplaces - in the material

Big Data for Small Businesses
Big Data for Small Businesses

Big Data today is becoming a marketing tool available not only to large businesses, but also to retail, services and the like. Instead of advertising “for all”, analysis of specific data allows you to customize your customers' searches more precisely, optimize costs and increase sales

Preparing for negotiations with investors
Preparing for negotiations with investors

Business needs money: for start, formation, development. If a business has at least a year or two of successful experience, it can very well count on various loan programs. Beginners, in order to attract capital, have to look for investors. Negotiation coach of the PROFI Space business school, founder of Profi_ Negotiators Club Yekaterina Lastenko advises how to prepare for negotiations with investors

Change in the rates of EH and ERUs
Change in the rates of EH and ERUs

The Law of Ukraine “On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2020” along with the main indicators approved the new minimum wage for 2020 and the cost of living, which, in particular, will affect the size of the UN, ERUs, tax social benefits, etc. Let us dwell on this in more detail

Простими словами про важливі речі