Online-magazine for Business | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Online-magazine for Business #2 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval
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Increasing productivity using biohacking methods
Increasing productivity using biohacking methods

Performance of small companies is closely related to personal productivity of entrepreneurs. Their burnout, tiredness and sicknesses are no less damaging to the business than crises and pandemics. Biohacking can help prevent that.

The list of documents that could be transmitted via E-Office expanded
The list of documents that could be transmitted via E-Office expanded

The Law of Ukraine No 466 of 16.01.2020 expanded the possibilities for taxpayers to communicate with tax authorities via the Electronic Taxpayer Office.

A learning organization: five steps for implementation of the approach
A learning organization: five steps for implementation of the approach

In the new realities, businesses must be able to quickly reorient themselves to keep the course and momentum. Learning, innovative organizations can do that. And while innovations may not be for every company, flexibility and the ability to learn can be developed. Yulia Kryventseva, an organizational consultant, facilitator, and representative of Kontekst HR International Group (Poland) in Ukraine, tells us how.

Virtual trade fairs: joining the trend
Virtual trade fairs: joining the trend

The majority of entrepreneurs regard trade fairs, both international and local, as one of the most efficient marketing instruments for businesses. During this season, organization of trade fairs became a taboo, but some of them switched to the digital format and did take place, thus marking the future prospects. Experts tell us about virtual trade fairs and the rules of succeeding there.

Prozorro Market: a public marketplace for businesses
Prozorro Market: a public marketplace for businesses

Crises usually deal the heaviest blow to small and micro businesses. Their sales begin to nosedive, and some of them even have to balance almost on the brink of survival and frantically look for new sales markets and promotion instruments. Prozorro Market could become one of these instruments. Andrii Kuzmenko, Director of Professional Procurements state institution, tells us what kind of marketplace it is and what opportunities it opens to businesses.

An ecosystem for businesses
An ecosystem for businesses

“A bank is not just about management of accounts, financial transactions and loans. We want customers to come to us and receive a comprehensive service, business assistance,” Serhii Pavlenko, Senior Manager for Development of Business Banking at Raiffeisen Bank Aval, says. “That’s why we are developing an ecosystem geared to meet the needs of small and micro businesses.”

Sole proprietor: purchasing a motor vehicle for commercial activity
Sole proprietor: purchasing a motor vehicle for commercial activity

Entrepreneurs often need a motor vehicle for their business operations. Can they pay for the purchase of automobile from a business account? Would that be reflected in the entrepreneur’s accounting? We shall try to answer these and other questions.

A credit card for businesses
A credit card for businesses

The opportunities and needs in a business, especially a small one, occur suddenly and seemingly out of the blue. But unfortunately, an entrepreneur does not always have enough money “in the pocket” to take care of some urgent matter. Unless he has a business credit card in that very “pocket”. Serhii Orel, Manager for Development of Credit Cards at Raiffeisen Bank Aval, tells us about this very convenient financial instrument.

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