Compliance #2 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Compliance #3 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval
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Compliance #12 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Compliance #13 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Compliance #14 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Compliance #15 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Compliance #16 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Compliance #17 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval



Joint stock company “Raiffeisen Bank”, as a member of the international Raiffeisen banking Group, pays significant attention to compliance with the requirements of legislation, normative legal acts, market rules and standards of fair competition, rules of conduct, avoiding conflict of interests.

The principles and values of the Raiffeisen Group

Raiffeisen Bank international AG (RBI) is part of the Austrian Raiffeisen banking group. The basic principles that have guided our Group come from the ideas Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen (1818-1888), who believed that all economic activity should be aimed at the unity of society and self, as well as to ensure self-sufficient development.

RBI's and associated companies (Group RBI) are important participants of economic relations in Austria and in many countries where they conduct business. We – the supporters of the idea of sustainable corporate governance and adherence to the principles of social and environmental responsibility, which is the components of such management. Our role as a fair partner in the world of business is characterized by the responsibility before all stakeholders: first and foremost to our customers, suppliers, employees and shareholders, as well as to society as a whole.

the Code of conduct of the RBI Group defines the basic values of our Bank and forms the basis of corporate culture, which is the spirit of integrity. It is consistent with international practice and is based on the ethical principles but cannot cover every situation. Specific conditions can be specified in the relevant internal rules.

In the event of any dispute between local law and this Code should apply more strict rules, providing for more severe consequences. All administrative documents must comply with the principles defined in the Code. The code is intended to conform our behavior in business relations and ethics our high standards.

the Code of conduct of the Raiffeisen Bank international

Limitations in customer relations. Prohibited operations

Joint stock company “Raiffeisen Bank”, as a member of the international Raiffeisen banking Group, pays significant attention to compliance with national and international standards of anti-fraud, corruption, legalization (laundering) of the incomes received by a criminal way, and terrorism financing.

Financial services of Raiffeisen Bank can not be used to conduct/perform proscribed operations, particularly operations:

  • connected with the acts prohibited/restricted in connection with the sanctions of Ukraine on the basis of the law of Ukraine «sanctions»;
  • directly or indirectly, connected with the types of activities prohibited/restricted in accordance with decisions of competent international bodies and individual States (in particular,The UN Security Council and its committees, the EU, USA, etc.), the policy of the Bank and of the Raiffeisen Group;
  • related to transactions with or for the benefit of persons subject to international sanctions in accordance with the decisions of authorized international bodies and individual states, the policies of the Bank and the RBI Group;
  • with signs of risky activities in the sphere of financial monitoring and/or can cause  to violate the law or the implementation of risky activities.

In accordance with the legislation of Ukraine in its activities, the Bank adheres to the Ukraine sanctions imposed under the law of Ukraine «sanctions» with the aim of protecting national interests, national security, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and anti-terrorist activities.

in Accordance with international legal obligations of Ukraine, the Bank adheres to international sanctions of the Organization About’United Nations in accordance with the decisions of the UN Security Council and its committees. The policy of the Bank as a member of the Raiffeisen Group also includes the mandatory compliance with the sanctions imposed by the European Union and the United States of America (the part which adheres to Raiffeisen Bank international AG,controller of the international Raiffeisen banking Group).

Use of services of the Bank for the purpose of conducting prohibited transactions (including prohibited transactions on accounts, transfer funds without opening an account to conduct prohibited transactions, using their own or loan funds of the Bank for direct or indirect financing of prohibited transactions) is the reason for the failure in customer service, account closure or failure in the operation, the provision of credit, the occurrence of other consequences provided by the legislation of Ukraine or the agreements. The client must be able to prove the fact that its operations are not Yes prohibited transactions, including providing supporting documents.

The types of activities prohibited/restricted accordance with the decisions of competent international bodies (in particular the UN Security Council and its committees, the Council of the EU), policies of the Bank and of the Raiffeisen Group

1. Terrorism (financing of terrorism).

2. Trafficking of narcotic substances.

3. Prostitution.

4. Corruption and bribery (receiving/providing/the promise/demand of illegal benefit).

5. Legalization (laundering) of income obtained by criminal means.

6. Violations of human rights, in particular:

  • violation of the European Convention for the protection of Human rights and Fundamental Freedoms from 04.11.1950 g.;
  • violations of labour legislation and legislation on socialization Ukraine;
  • violation of relevant UN international treaties and acts of international organizations on human rights issues;
  • the violation of the rights of local and indigenous communities.

the Bank may not be involved in operations in support of production/goods/services that can be used for demonstrations, political unrest and other human rights violations.

7. The activity, which results can be long-term negative impact on the environment, in particular: activities in the field of nuclear energy, activities that resulted in the destruction of tropical rain forests, pollution of the environment, water resources, and the like. The client's activity must not violate legislation of Ukraine and international treaties on the protection of the environment.

8. Activity stand ' is to carry out scientific research and development, connected with military materials, their production, technical support, trade, including weapons, military hardware, which can be used for internal repression or aggression against foreign countries, the supply of war materials to States that have or are expected to, armed conflict or political unrest.

9. Activities, connected with the development, production, maintenance, programming, manufacturing, mechanical and electronic devices for gambling, organization and marketing of gambling. Under the restriction fall Corporation (subsidiaries), which generate more than 20% of the total income from business in games of chance or have more than 20% of the total assets invested in the company's gaming business.

The Business relationship with the subjects of gambling business in Ukraine in accordance with the policy of the Raiffeisen Group are not supported. The Bank does not establish correspondent relationships with a “fictitious” by banks (shell banks).

10. Activities that are directly or indirectly related to a state carrying out armed aggression against Ukraine, the self-proclaimed state of the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic, the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Eritrea, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Iran, the Syrian Arab Republic, Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and the Republic of Nicaragua.

11. The cross-border transfer of currency valuables from Ukraine/transfer of hryvnia/foreign currency funds to correspondent accounts of nonresident banks opened in resident banks, which is carried out on behalf of the clients and is directly or indirectly related to the Russian Federation/Republic of Belarus and/or having the following features (including, but not limited to them):

- payment to a counterparty with an ultimate beneficiary owner who is a resident of the Russian Federation/Republic of Belarus;

- carried out to conceal the ultimate beneficial owner who is a resident of the Russian Federation/Republic of Belarus;

- payment for goods/services produced in (originating from) the Russian Federation/Republic of Belarus;

- payment for transport and forwarding services across the territory of the Russian Federation/Republic of Belarus;

- connected with a change of the participants of a financial transaction for the withdrawal of funds to the benefit of the residents of the Russian Federation/Republic of Belarus, concealing the avoidance of restrictions applicable to the residents of the Russian Federation/Republic of Belarus;

- crediting of income from the counterparties that are residents of the Russian Federation/Republic of Belarus for the export of goods (products, work/services) supplied after 24.02.2022;

 - related to other cases that evidence the avoidance or facilitating the avoidance of the NBU requirements.

12. Activities related to the provision of virtual assets services, including making transfers and payments in virtual assets and/or payments related to virtual assets.

Operations are prohibited or limited in accordance to international sanctions

Operations are prohibited or limited under international sanctions

According to the EU legislation, upholding the imposition of sanctions by the EU is required’obligatory for the Raiffeisen Group and all its subsidiary institutions, including the Bank. Also, the policy of the international Raiffeisen banking Group provides compliance with the US sanctions to prevent penalties (including secondary sanctions) from the United States to the entire Group.

Sanctions Of Ukraine

In order to protect the national interests, national security, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, counteraction to terrorist activity, as well as to prevent the violation, restoration of violated rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens of Ukraine, society and state in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On sanctions" No. 1644- VII of August 14, 2014, Ukraine may apply special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions).

Sanctions may be applied by Ukraine in relation to a foreign state, a foreign legal entity, a legal entity controlled by a foreign legal entity or non-resident natural person, foreigners, stateless persons, as well as subjects engaged in terrorist activities.

The application of sanctions does not exclude the application of other measures to protect national interests, national security, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, its economic independence, rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens of Ukraine, society and the state.

The legal basis for the application of sanctions is the Constitution of Ukraine, international treaties of Ukraine, the consent to be bound by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine, normative acts of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, decisions of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, relevant principles and norms of international law.

1. Law of Ukraine "On Sanctions"

2. Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine dated May 11, 2023, No. 65 "On the approval of the Regulation on the implementation of special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions)"

3. Decisions of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine «On the implementation and introduction changes into the personal special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions)» placed on the Official website of the President of Ukraine or on the website of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

4. List of persons related to terrorist activity or persons to whom international sanctions were applied

Risky activities

Signs of risk are determined by the National Bank of Ukraine, in particular, the following features are:

  • carrying out financial transactions by clients that do not have documentary confirmation of obvious economic expediency (meaning) and / or if the client has not provided documents (information) regarding his financial status, the content of the activity / financial transaction, his real financial capacity or in case of non-compliance of the client's financial transactions available to the Bank documents (information) concerning the financial status and / or content of the client's (social status) activity. Please note that the contract for the provision / receipt of financial assistance / loan is not a documented source of funds and can not be accepted by the Bank for a financial transaction;
  • conducting financial transactions, the nature or consequences of which give reason to believe that they can be associated with the withdrawal of capital, the legalization of criminal incomes, conversion (transfer) of cashless cash, the implementation of fictitious business, tax avoidance, etc. (in particular, related to the discrepancy of cash funds transfer, transfer of funds abroad, purchase and sale of securities, use of accounts of persons not intended, etc.);
  • initiation / execution of financial transactions using lost, stolen documents or those with signs of false, invalid (insignificant);
  • the execution of a financial transaction by a client who is a public figure, a person close to or related to a public figure without providing documentary evidence to the Bank regarding sources of origin of funds (assets, rights to such assets) sufficient to confirm his (her) real financial opportunities to conduct or initiate a financial transaction;
  • repeated execution by the client of financial transactions for the transfer of funds abroad as the implementation of advance payments (prepayment) for the execution of the foreign economic agreement (s) for which the counterparty (s) repeatedly violates the fulfillment / does not fulfill the conditions the corresponding (them) foreign economic (them) contract (s);
  • conducting financial transactions with clients, for which the Bank is not able to take adequate measures to establish their final beneficiary owner (s) [controller (s)] and / or for which there are reasons to believe that they use agents, nominee holders ( nominee owners) or intermediaries in order to conceal the final beneficiary owner (s) [controller (s)], incl. in this case, the Bank has established information about the final beneficiary owner (s), which does not correspond to the information specified in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, individuals - entrepreneurs and public formations;
  • suspicion / assumptions based on the results of the analysis of the available information and indications that the financial transaction or its participants, their activities or sources of assets are related to the legalization (laundering) of the proceeds of crime or the financing of terrorism whether connected with the commission of another socially dangerous act defined by the Criminal Code of Ukraine as a crime or for which international sanctions are foreseen.

Anti-corruption and fraud

In its activities, Raiffeisen Bank is committed to the highest standards of business ethics and takes all possible measures to prevent corruption and fraud in its relations with its clients and partners.

According to the code of professional conduct Group, the RBI and the corporate policies, including Anti-Corruption Program of Raiffeisen Bank JSC and its subsidiaries, we openly do business with customers and partners, encourage the adherence to the established principles of anti-corruption and fraud in any form.

In our activity we:

  • promptly react to any manifestations of corruption and fraud;
  • do not participate in transactions, if there is reason to believe that it's related to acts of corruption or fraud;
  • counteract the conflict of interests that may result in financial and reputational loss;
  • do not participate in the events that may affect the business decisions, in the presence of signs of corruption or conflict of interest.
The Bank appreciates its customers and acquired reputation, so if you become aware of the facts: - corruption acts, fraud involving Bank employees, customers or partners - unlawful disclosure of bank and / or trade secrets - inappropriate professional behavior of Bank employees that may damage the interests of the Bank and his reputation, please call the toll-free hotline: 0 800 509 990 and 044 230 99 59 (for Kiev) or email at [email protected] for recommendations refer no further action. Also, we will be grateful to you for the messages through a special form - they can be left either anonymously or on their own behalf.

We are interested in receiving timely and reliable information! Therefore, no message will be left without qualified consideration and proper response!

Allegations of corruption and fraud

If you know about cases of corruption or fraud on the part of employee, customer, or partner Bank, let us know

Security of banking operations

Safety is a top priority of Raiffeisen Bank. We implement the latest technological and organizational solutions, monitoring new threats and improve the security of our systems. For maximum reliability we invite our customers to cooperate and ask to be vigilant.

  • You offer a credit for another individual or employer?
  • Strangers ask for your passport or an identification code for a few hours for the reward?
  • either call You or send text messages and are asking for personal information, talk about the blocking of your card or account?
  • On your card account operations, about which you know nothing?

If you answered “yes” to at least one of these questions, there is a danger that you may become a victim of fraudsters. For recommendations on further actions in the event of such or other situations that are suspicious for you, please contact the “Anti-Fraud Hotline” numbers 0 800 509 990, 044 230 99 59 or email [email protected]

Be careful and careful! Together we can counteract corruption and fraud.

Rekomendatsii from EMA

To see recommendations from clients of the Ukrainian interbank Association of members of payment systems EMA for action in the event of fraud