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  • Cool mobile app «FUNcard»
  • Free debit card the name of the child
  • Training in financial literacy and safe use of funds
  • Special loyalty programme (temporarily unavailable)

Choose design of the card!


Serving the card 0 UAH/month if 5 payments are made (less than 5 payments, the package price is 21 UAH/month)
Limit management initial limit – 1000 UAH/month. Change the limit on Internet banking «Raiffeisen Online» or by calling the bank's information center
Free refill card free replenishment of the card and monitoring of the status of accounts in Internet banking «Raiffeisen Online»
Secure shopping and informing SMS - informing your phone number and the child's phone number and payment in the Internet with the service 3D-Secure
Free withdrawal free withdrawals 4 times a month: twice at ATMs of Raiffeisen Bank and twice more at any other ATMs of Ukraine


Cash and non-cash replenishmentfree
Issue and reissue card

one card Visa Instant - to the account holder's name

one card Visa FUNcard PayWave - the name of the child aged 6 to 18 years

Informationfree PUSH and SMS-notifications on card transactions

Loyalty program and mobile application

⮩ Replenishment of mobile phone and electronic certificates
⮩ Rules of Loyalty Program for Children and Adolescents «FUNcard» (possibility to use bonuses having previosly been accumulated)

Useful information

At the nearest bank branch.

Card production time - 10 business days from the date of order.

Which documents are required for the card opening?

To open a payment card FUNcard the following document shall be provided:

  • for one of the parents:
  • passport of the citizen of Ukraine or document substituting it and tax ID certificate
  • for the child:
  • in the age from 6 to 14 years: birth certificate and tax ID of the child (if any)
  • in the age from 14 to 18 years: ID card

Presence of the child in the age from 6 to 18 years during the opening of the payment card Visa FUNcard is not mandatory.

Which documents are required for the card receipt:

To receive a payment card FUNcard the following document shall be provided:

1 for one of the parents:

  • passport of the citizen of Ukraine or document substituting it and tax ID certificate

2 for the child:

  • in the age from 6 to 14 years: birth certificate and tax ID of the child (if any)
  • Presence of the child in the age from 6 to 14 years during the receipt of the payment card Visa FUNcard is not mandatory.
  • FUNcard may be issued to one of the parents that ordered FUNcard.
  • in the age from 14 to 18 years: ID card
  • Presence of the child in the age from 14 to 18 years is mandatory

In case of FUNcard ordering on the Bank’s website, presence of one of the parents that ordered FUNcard is mandatory.

  1. Urgently notify Raiffeisen Bank Aval of the loss (theft) of the card to block it by calling the Information Center:
  • 0 (800) 500-500 (free in Ukraine)
  • 0 (44) 490-88-88 (for Kyiv and calls from abroad)
  • 521 (free for Vodafone mobile operator).

When you contact the Information Center, you can immediately order a new card to be issued to your account. It will be available in 10 days at your chosen bank branch.

2. Lock the card yourself using Raiffeisen Online. On the bank's website you can also order an additional card to your account and receive it at your chosen bank branch in 10 days.

3. You can also block your own payment card at your nearest Raiffeisen Bank office.

Card activation

Payment card is provided not active

In order to set your personal PIN-code and activate card you can do it with the help of:


Call center 

0 800 501 150

  • take your card, passport and tax code
  • make a call from your financial phone number
  • following the prompts, enter the answers to the questions and set your personal PIN-code


  • insert the card
  • enter temporary PIN-code 0000
  • set your personal PIN-code

Your card is activated and ready to use

Keep your card data confidential.

If anyone calls you, do not disclose any of the following, despite any introduction they make:
• PIN-code of the card
• Its validity term
• 3 figures on the back of the card (CVV2/CVC2-code)
• Passwords sent via SMS
• Password to “Raiffeisen Online” Internet-BankingDo not disclose the above mentioned data to any third parties, despite any introduction they make.
The Bank has all the necessary information for servicing your card.

In case of the amount of transaction is more than available balance overdraft arises on the card account. In this case Bank will follow Banking Rules for private Individuals in accordance with Article 8, paragraph 8.6. Section 2