Time Deposit Classic in USD/EUR #16 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Time Deposit Classic in USD/EUR #17 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval
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Time Deposit Classic in USD/EUR

Time Deposit Classic - open a deposit and exchange currency online!

Now you can buy US Dollars and Euros online at the best rate with a mandatory 93 days deposit placement

According to NBU Resolution No.18, the bank is allowed to sell non-cash foreign currency to clients in the equivalent up to 200,000 hryvnias per calendar month with mandatory condition to place purchased currency into 93 days deposit without the early termination.

Time Deposit Classic in USD/EUR | Raiffeisen Bank Aval

Main Benefits

Time Deposit Classic in USD/EUR #2 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval

Safe keeping of the foreign currency costs

Time Deposit Classic in USD/EUR #3 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval

Purchase of US dollars and Euros online

at the most favorable exchange rate with automatic transfer of funds to the deposit or transfer from own foreign currency accounts

Time Deposit Classic in USD/EUR #4 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval

SMS informing about operations

Interest rates, annual

Deposit amount 500 USD/EUR and more

93 days

184 days

367 days

Opening in Branch:

0,01%; From 10 000 USD - 1,50%; From 10 000 EUR - 0,25%



Opening in Raiffeisen Online:

0,01%; From 10 000 USD - 1,50%; From 10 000 EUR - 0,25%



Terms of Time Deposit «Classic»

Term of deposit

93 days, 184 days, 367 days

Deposit currency


Minimum/maximum deposit amount


- in branch 500 USD/EUR, in Raiffesein Online 1 USD/EUR;


 - unlimited

First payment

Within seven days from the date of deposit opening.

In case of online currency exchange - on the deposit opening date only.

Deposit extension

Without prolongation

Interest payment

At the end of the deposit term on the current account


Without replenishment

Early withdrawal of funds

Not provided


Free SMS-notification service on transactions carried out on deposit account

Deposit opening

In Raiffeisen Online or visit one of the Bank's branches.

Funds depositing terms

Funds depositing

done on a one-time basis, deposit replenishment is not provided for

Crediting of purchased currency if it is exchanged in Raiffeisen Online application

done on a one-time basis; if an additional foreign currency amount needs to be purchased or credited, a new deposit must be opened


In cashless form

from own current accounts in USD, EUR in the Bank’s branches and in Raiffeisen Online application

In cash

via the cash desks of the bank’s branches

WARNING for customers – private individuals using the service of bank deposit placement

The service of opening and managing of deposit accounts of private individuals is provided by Raiffeisen Bank JSC (hereinafter – Bank) according to the terms and conditions of the Bank service agreement (hereinafter – Agreement). 
The Bank service agreement is the accession agreement (Article 634 of the Civil Code of Ukraine) and consists of the public offer, application for the acceptance of the public offer/agreement, Bank service Rules for PI Clients at Raiffeisen Bank JSC, Bank’s tariffs and application for placement of the deposit. 
When placing the deposit funds at the Bank, no sanctions in case of untimely application to the Bank regarding repayment of the deposit are applied. Thus, term deposits shall be repaid to the customer automatically on the date of the deposit expiration by transferring funds to the customer’s current account. Also, the deposits, which provide for early repayment of funds, may be early repaid to the customer on the basis of the customer’s application.
The Bank may not demand from the customer purchase of any goods or services of the Bank or its related person as the mandatory condition for provision of the service of banking deposit placement (except for provision of the banking services package).
The Bank shall not have a right to unilaterally introduce changes into the application for placement of the deposit concluded with the customer, unless otherwise provided by the Agreement or the law. 
The customer may refuse receiving of promotional materials by the remote communication channels.

How to open a Time Deposit «Classic» and buy foreign currency in the Raiffeisen Online application?

Time Deposit Classic in USD/EUR #5 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval
Time Deposit Classic in USD/EUR #6 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval

• Open the "Classic Term" tab.
For this:
in the web version, in the "Deposits" menu, select the "New deposit" item, or
in the mobile application, select "More" - "Deposits" and press "+"
Choose "Standard" and the required currency (USD or EUR) - term 93 days - click "Sign".
• Exchange currency (on the opening day of the "Classic Term" deposit).

For this:
click "More" - "Currency exchange", select the required currency (USD or EUR), debit account in hryvnia (current account, debit card account or "Progressive"/"Universal+" deposit) and enrollment account - "Classic Term" deposit Enter the purchase amount and complete the currency exchange transaction. Funds in foreign currency will be immediately automatically credited to this deposit.

How to purchase currency and open the deposit in Raiffeisen Online

Guidelines in case of the expiration of the deposit’s term:

  • If you wish to withdraw foreign currency in cash form in the bank’s cash-desk – order cash funds in advance by telephone number 0800-500-500 or via the chat in the application Raiffeisen Online➡ Contact the bank ➡Chat , or in the Bank’s branch

You also have the possibility:

  • to exchange the received funds in foreign currency with hryvnias in the bank’s cash-desk
  • to exchange the funds in foreign currency with hryvnias in the application Raiffeisen Online
  • to open a deposit in hryvnias with the rate up to 6.5% in the application Raiffeisen Online
  • to open a new deposit “Classic term deposit” in foreign currency in the application Raiffeisen Online or in the branch
  • to keep funds on the current account “For payments” (there is no commission fee for cash withdrawal under the account and commission fee for servicing of the account in USD/EUR)
  • to transfer funds to own card account in foreign currency
Time Deposit Classic in USD/EUR #7 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval

Useful information

Information on the essential characteristics of the bank deposit service (deposit) Time Deposit "Classic"
How to open a deposit?

Opening a deposit in a few clicks through Raiffeisen Online system or visit one of the Bank's branches (for deposits in USD) and provide the following documents for the opening of a deposit account:

  • passport or a document substituting it, individual taxpayer’s accounting card (tax ID);
  • for non-residents – document certifying the place of residence of a private individual.

For your convenience please call hotline of Call center at 0 800 500 500(free for landline calls within Ukraine), (044) 490 88 88 (city phone number) or 521 (for MTC subscribers), and the operator will schedule a meeting for the opening of a deposit account at the outlet. In such a way, you can apply to the outlet at a given time without staying in a queue.

How to replenish a deposit?

Cash depositing of funds to the Classical Term deposit can be carried out on a one-time basis in MyRaif/Raiffeisen Online from any own account with the Bank, including from own current account "For payments" or from on-demand deposit "Progressive", "Universal+".


"Savings" deposit is no longer offered and the interest rates on the deposit were set for the extension of the deposit exclusively, therefore, we advise to make a request via MyRaif chat regarding the cancellation of the deposit extension and after the expiration of the deposit and the return of funds to the current account enter into an agreement on a new fixed-term "Classical Term" deposit or on-demand deposit "Progressive" with a more attractive interest rate and terms.


One-time placement of funds in cash to the "Classical Term" deposit can be carried out at the cash desk of any branch of Raiffeisen Bank. 


"Progressive" deposit can be replenished:

in cashless form - free of charge by means of funds transfer from own accounts in MyRaif/Raiffeisen Online system, or from another bank;

in cash form - by means of placing funds in the card account and subsequent transfer of funds in MyRaif/Raiffeisen Online system.

Can a third party replenish an account of private individual resident?

A third party may replenish one’s UAH account for any amount.

Is a deposit was opened in foreign currency, it may be replenished by the account owner only or by a third party under a power of attorney (power of attorney for deposit replenishment is issued free of charge at a Bank’s branch).

How can a customer receive the deposit amount and interests?

The deposit amount (effective for all deposit types) and interests accrued may be received as follows:

  • in cash at any branch of Raiffeisen Bank;
  • by setting up a standing order for direct debiting of interests or deposit amount from a current account “For payments” to a customer’s card account;
  • by instant transfer of funds from a current account “For payments” or the «Universal+» deposit to a customer’s card account via “Raiffeisen Online” Internet-Banking system and by withdrawal of funds from an ATM.

In case of partial or full withdrawal of funds from the deposit «Universal+»:

  • free of charge cashless transfer to an own card account from the “Universal+” deposit may be made via “Raiffeisen Online” system;
  • free of charge cashless transfer from the «Universal+» deposit to an own account “Current”, to an own account “Universal+”, to a term deposit within Raiffeisen Bank;
  • when withdrawing cash from accounts opened in UAH – 1% of the amount, but not less than UAH 25;
  • when withdrawing cash from accounts opened in the foreign currency – free;
  • for cashless transfer of funds from the deposit to a current account “For payments”: in UAH – 1% of the amount, but not less than UAH 25; in EUR - 1% of the amount, but not less than EUR 1; in USD – USD 1.

If the amount of deposit and interest to be paid out exceeds 5 000 USD or its equivalent in other currency, it should be pre-ordered in advance (2 banking days).

To pre-order a deposit amount, a customer shall apply to a branch of Raiffeisen Bank and hand in a relevant application, or contact the Bank’s Call Centre.

How can one control account status?

The most handy way to control one’s account status is to use Raiffeisen Online Internet Banking for private individuals, which is provided free of charge.

You may also connect to the service of SMS notification on transactions with deposit accounts for private individuals by signing the respective application at the Bank’s outlet.

SMS notification is applicable to all transactions for the amount from UAH 100, USD/EUR 3 under Saving, Classic term deposits and Universal+ deposit. The service is free of charge.

How is the deposit taxed?

Private individuals and individual entrepreneurs’ income in the form of interests accrued on bank accounts (deposit, current, card) shall be subject to individual income taxation regardless of the amount of received income:

  • taxation rate - 18%;
  • a military tax - 5%.

The Bank shall independently withhold and transfer tax from the amount of the accrued interests (interests less the amount of 23% are credited to the customer’s account).

The principal amount of the deposit shall not be subject to taxation.

Is it possible to receive an official statement of deposit?

Yes, a statement can be received at any fully functional branch.

If the statement is intended for submission to the embassy, it is recommended to apply to the outlet where the account was opened.

A passport or other documents certifying a person and a counterpart of the agreement shall be provided at a branch of the Bank.

Customer’s right to withdraw from a banking service agreement

Customer shall have no right to withdraw from the Application-Agreement (terminate it) and demand early repayment of the Deposit, except for the cases stipulated by the law of Ukraine.

Does the Bank interest accrue for early termination of a deposit?

In case of an early termination of the agreement, interests on deposit shall be accrued in the following ways:

  • for the «Saving» deposit: the interests shall be recalculated based on the base rate for the «Universal+» deposit from an opening date (or prolongation).
Information on the availability, list and cost of supporting services of the bank and third parties, including the payment amount and its calculation base.
From August 25, 2020 changes will be made to the terms of servicing individuals accounts in EUR