Online-magazine for Business | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Online-magazine for Business #2 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval
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If the FLP decided to get rest
If the FLP decided to get rest

Entrepreneurs, as well as employees, have the right to rest. FLP-unity supporters are no exception. When going on vacation, they have questions: is it possible not to pay taxes for themselves during the holidays and not to report? We will try to answer them.

The keys to sales success in agricultural technology
The keys to sales success in agricultural technology

Working as the head of the local branch of one of the banks, Anton Sidorenko hardly imagined that he would head the business of selling agricultural machinery, and his company would rather successfully compete with the market leaders. But it happened that way. Agrotehnika Mirgorod is a young company, but its founders already know well what is needed for the success of their business!

New tax and new customs: what to expect
New tax and new customs: what to expect

The work of the State Fiscal Service (SFS) will be reorganized - this is how the Cabinet decided. From this department will be created two state services: tax and customs. How will this relate to entrepreneurs?

The new horizons of autotuning business
The new horizons of autotuning business

Co-founder of Vilex Group Alexey Shlyakhov told how to build a business, based on the desire to keep the car in perfect condition from damage on domestic roads. And also about how, being in a difficult situation due to the sudden start of the ATO, to transport business and colleagues to a new city, which Kiev has become, and start from point zero.

Marketing difficulties
Marketing difficulties

Small business plays an important role in the life of any state. However, small enterprises in Ukraine face considerable difficulties. Among them is the inability to fully use the marketing tools available to major market players. How to remedy the situation, says Elena Eero, coordinator of the Unlimit Ukraine project of the European Business Association.

Facebook Conquest Secrets 2019
Facebook Conquest Secrets 2019

The secret of correct and successful advancement in social networks, including Facebook, is a quick response to all changes, updates and algorithms. We have learned from experts about the main secret ah of the successful conquest of one of the most popular social networks in 2019.

Human for human, machine for machine
Human for human, machine for machine

What is the advantage of high-speed Internet and M2M for small and medium businesses?

What will bring business in 2019
What will bring business in 2019

2018 experts called the year a moderate growth in the economy. The relative stability of the dollar and the projected GDP growth of 3% allowed the Ukrainian business to maintain a certain balance and develop. However, the problems that troubled entrepreneurs in previous years are still relevant.

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