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Employee damaged the property of the individual entrepreneur: should such an employee compensate the losses?
Employee damaged the property of the individual entrepreneur: should such an employee compensate the losses?

Many entrepreneurs transferred their employees from offices to the remote mode of work. Usually they provide laptops to be used in work. What should they do if the devices are damaged?

IT market in Ukraine: trends and prospects
IT market in Ukraine: trends and prospects

There are no oversaturated niches in the IT market and more and more businesses need IT services. Our experts tell about trends and vectors of IT development in Ukraine.

Business education for children: a new niche for entrepreneurs
Business education for children: a new niche for entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship may be learned from the childhood. We spoke with the players on the children business-schools market about the potential of this niche and about the things required for the start.

How entrepreneurs can find out whether the buyer has paid using the payment card
How entrepreneurs can find out whether the buyer has paid using the payment card

This information will be, first of all, interesting for entrepreneurs the settlements with whom may be carried out by the buyers using the payment card. We will explain how to find out whether the payment was carried out using the buyer’s payment card.

From salted food to artichoke. Business diversification experience
From salted food to artichoke. Business diversification experience

How a small farmer from a small village managed to establish a steadily growing family business dealing with salted food production, launch sales in a trade network and create demand for new vegetables?

Craft social networks for business
Craft social networks for business

Craft social networks for business is a new and promising marketing tool. Its creator Oleksii Mas tells about the functionality of such networks and the tasks they solve.

Google Shopping – a tool for sales increase
Google Shopping – a tool for sales increase

Google Shopping is a relatively new, efficient service for goods advertising and promoting. Many entrepreneurs selling goods have already appreciated its efficiency.

A billion labels
A billion labels

Many printing houses continue facing losses in sales volume, but some of them have managed to find niches in which demand is even growing. The story of how to make money in times of uncertainty.

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