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Partnership programs

Vitagro Partner is part of the VITAGRO group of companies and specializes in the manufacture and distribution of plant protection products, microfertilizers, seeds, and the most recent inoculants.

The main goal is to be a partner for agricultural producers in everything from the soil and seed preparation to the development of cultivation technologies. The company has its own plants for the production of microfertilizers, seeds, the plant for the production of PPE is under construction.

The company's unique service is the Joint Growing Program - the company provides the farm with all the necessary materials for sowing and provides expert advice, and the final payment is based on jointly grown crops.

Vitagro Partner has 3 own TMs: Semelita - quality seeds, Bayton - selected PPE of the modern formulations, EnerGreen - microfertilizers with exceptional bioavailability. Vitagro Partner is also the exclusive distributor of British inoculants: dry - Premium Inoculant and liquid - Inoculant Premium Forte, and the unique mycorrhizal inoculant MycoFix.

Special conditions of financing

Special secured financing conditions

Interest ratefrom 1 to 7 month - 0,01%
from 8 to 12 month - 15%

from 1 to 12 month - 5,3%
The minimum credit limitUAH 300 000
Flat fee0%

Special unsecured financing conditions *

Interest ratefrom 1 to 7 month - 4%
from 8 to 12 month - 18,65%
from 1 to 12 month - 9,3%
The minimum credit limitUAH 300 000
Flat fee0%

* proposal for customers with revenue from UAH 50,8 up to UAH 200 million only

Special unsecured financing conditions **

Interest ratefrom 1 to 7 month - 4%
from 8 to 12 month - 21,65%

from 1 to 12 month - 9,3%
The minimum credit limitUAH 300 000
Flat fee0%

** proposal for customers with revenue till UAH 50,8 million only

Loan calculator

Choose the program that you are interested in, the desired loan term and other parameters necessary to calculate the loan amount and the payment schedule

12 mon.
60 mon.
I want to receive:
0,00 UAH


Term of financing12 month
The minimum credit limit300 000 UAH

For more information, please contact representatives of Raiffeisen Bank at 0 800 50 50 45 (Monday-Friday from 8:00 to 20:00), all calls from fixed-line phones in Ukraine are free of charge)

Pursuant to the requirements of article 67of the Law of Ukraine On Banks and Banking (hereinafter – Law on Banks), Raiffeisen Bank JSC (hereinafter – Bank) shall submit to the credit register of the National Bank of Ukraine (hereinafter – Credit Register) the information on its credit operations involving the client-debtor, as indicated in part one of article 49 of the Law on Banks, if the amount of debt (principal debt and interests) under such credit operations is equal or exceeds 100 minimum salaries (or a foreign currency equivalent of this amount). 

The Bank shall submit to the Credit Register the information, the content and scope of which is stipulated by part 3 of article 67of the Law on Banks, according to the procedure determined by the National Bank of Ukraine.


JSC "Raiffeisen Bank" Partnership Programs Division:
Igor Trakhanov
[email protected]
Additional offers
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