All-Ukrainian workshops «Creation of value added to agrifood» started in Kyiv | Raiffeisen Bank Aval All-Ukrainian workshops «Creation of value added to agrifood» started in Kyiv #2 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval
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All-Ukrainian workshops «Creation of value added to agrifood» started in Kyiv #11 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval All-Ukrainian workshops «Creation of value added to agrifood» started in Kyiv #12 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval All-Ukrainian workshops «Creation of value added to agrifood» started in Kyiv #13 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval All-Ukrainian workshops «Creation of value added to agrifood» started in Kyiv #14 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval All-Ukrainian workshops «Creation of value added to agrifood» started in Kyiv #15 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval All-Ukrainian workshops «Creation of value added to agrifood» started in Kyiv #16 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval
04 July 2019

All-Ukrainian workshops «Creation of value added to agrifood» started in Kyiv

Teaching program was developed by presenters and experts Ukrainian Food Valley, including advanced knowledge from agrifood industries with building effective business models in agribusiness , the best practical cases Ukrainian and foreign companies and small networking groups.

Faculty-practitioners have considerable experience driving own business in Ukraine, as well as lecturers and graduates international and domestic business schools.

During the first two training sessions modules participants found out:

- how to go from «There is an idea for business» to «Ready-made business from idea» on an example company «AGRIKO UKRAINE», presented by the founder Mykola Hordiychuk;

- how to position own brand correctly , to form steady benefits in the conditions of competitors’ and build marketing strategy in the conditions of uncertainty we found out from the founder of marketing WTF agency Vitaliy Tkachenko;

- how to work over the development business model and how to work with business model own business, how to identify a couple of «client-product» and how to know if really the product is needed for customers, co-founder of UFV Ruslan Zakharchenko;

- about logic of work in open systems, about the preconditions the emergence of clusters , about their role in modern world wide housekeeper , how to find signs of the cluster in its own areas and determine their role in this ecosystem , talked with Natalya Mayevskoy, owner of TM BerdychivSky, and Katerina Zvierewa, founder of media agency for agribusiness «SAPIENZA», ideology Cluster initiatives growing and processing Tomatoes in Cherkassy region.

Two days teaching flew unobtrusively in friendly atmosphere, picked up like-minded people, agrarians-creators, that aspire to bring out own business to a new one level, to create added value in Ukraine and with it to share the whole world.

 The following groups in Kyiv and Ternopil will start in July, follow our announcements.