Check your credit limits via Raiffeisen Online application
Dear customers,
Please check your credit limits via our Raiffeisen Online application.
Despite the difficult situation in our country and in the world, our bank is working steadily and implements additional measures for ensuring smooth operation.
Branches and all systems of the bank are in the operational mode, and we are going on with satisfying daily needs of our customers.
Taking into account a possible additional loan debt in connection with worsening of the economic situation in the country, the bank has taken a decision on regulating credit limits of our customers.
The bank will regulate sizes of credit limits with an account of customer credit history, risk assessment, the volume of loan resources used for the recent six months and further developments in the economic situation.
At the same time, let us remind you that in view to the quarantine period, starting from 1 March to 30 April 2020 the bank will neither charge increments for delayed payments, nor increase interests on consumer loans.
However, we ask you to be responsible with fulfilling your obligations to the bank, and inform us in case you have problems with loan repayment, since we have different loan restructuring programs in our bank.
Raiffeisen Bank Aval