Repayment holiday for credit cards by Raiffeisen Bank Aval
During the quarantine, we are taking care of you!
We attentively monitor the situation, so we set repayment holiday for credit cards of the most of Raiffeisen Bank Aval customers – private individuals in order to decrease their financial obligations during the quarantine.
In particular, we cancel the monthly payment (5% of the debt amount under the credit card) in April and May of 2020 starting from April 7. At the same time, you can repay the debt at your discretion. We will be grateful for that.
We also remind you, that we canceled the fee for the account servicing for 100 days, Prozora, Fishback, Fishka, Platinum and Elite credit cards for two months*.
In order to use all these offers from our bank, you do not need visiting a branch – these changes are automatic, we will send you respective viber/sms notification.
If you have not received the viber/sms notification from the bank and some difficulties with loan repayment under the credit card arise, you can leave an individual request for repayment holiday following this link.
We suggest you to read the frequently asked questions regarding the credit holidays:
1. What are the terms and conditions of the credit holidays?
Starting from April 7 we cancel the monthly payment (5% of the debt under the credit card) in April and May 2020.
You can repay the debt at your discretion.
2. Shall I sign the additional agreement under my card?
If you received Viber/SMS-notification on the application of credit holidays to your credit card, the changes will be introduced automatically without signing of the additional agreement. There is no need to visit a branch.
3. Shall I pay the interests under the loan?
In case of application of credit holidays to your credit card the interests are accrued according to the standard procedure. The interests shall be paid through the increase of the debt under the credit limit. You don’t need to carry out monthly payment (5% of the debt under the credit card) in April and May 2020.
4. Shall I pay the insurance under the credit card?
Insurance payment shall be paid without any changes according to the tariff plan under the credit card.
5. Shall I pay the commission fee for the use of the credit card?
The monthly commission fee for the servicing of the account will not be debited on April 6 and may 6, 2020.
6. May I cancel the automatically applied credit holidays?
The credit holidays are automatically applied to your credit card upon the Bank’s initiative starting from 07.04.2020. You can repay the debt in April and May 2020 at your discretion.
7. Will the credit holidays influence my history in the credit bureau?
No, it will not have negative influence on your credit history in this case.
8. Can I carry our early repayment of the debt?
You can repay the debt under your credit card at your discretion.
Stay at home and take care of your health!
* the fee will not be charged on April 6 and May 6, 2020.