CX Academy in Raif is to be the best for our clients
In 2021 Raif launched all-bank training program on improvement of client experience and service of design named CX Academy.
It should help Raif employees to make client interaction with bank easier and more enjoyable, as well as to develop and implement new products and services that are easy to obtain and use, together with clients.
Studying program consists of five modules. Recently, the second one, dedicated to the concept of design research, was launched. Each module contains theoretical part and homework assignment. Employees can choose the real customer`s problem and look at it from different angles to settle it.
We are convinced that both theory and practice will help in everyday work to see ways of the customer experience improvement and enhancement.
Everyone can join Raif active change. We invite you to the community of like-minded "RAIFZmin Agents" to be the first one, who will know about the creation and implementation of products and services to make them the ones you need.