Through the Internet banking Raiffeisen Online, with the beginning of the program "Antibiotics for the wounded" has already collected more than 552 thousand UAH | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Through the Internet banking Raiffeisen Online, with the beginning of the program "Antibiotics for the wounded" has already collected more than 552 thousand UAH #2 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval
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Through the Internet banking Raiffeisen Online, with the beginning of the program "Antibiotics for the wounded" has already collected more than 552 thousand UAH #11 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Through the Internet banking Raiffeisen Online, with the beginning of the program "Antibiotics for the wounded" has already collected more than 552 thousand UAH #12 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Through the Internet banking Raiffeisen Online, with the beginning of the program "Antibiotics for the wounded" has already collected more than 552 thousand UAH #13 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Through the Internet banking Raiffeisen Online, with the beginning of the program "Antibiotics for the wounded" has already collected more than 552 thousand UAH #14 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Through the Internet banking Raiffeisen Online, with the beginning of the program "Antibiotics for the wounded" has already collected more than 552 thousand UAH #15 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Through the Internet banking Raiffeisen Online, with the beginning of the program "Antibiotics for the wounded" has already collected more than 552 thousand UAH #16 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval
17 August 2016

Through the Internet banking Raiffeisen Online, with the beginning of the program "Antibiotics for the wounded" has already collected more than 552 thousand UAH

Kiev. August 16. - As previously reported, with the support of Raiffeisen Bank Aval as of 1 October 2015, launched a program called "Antibiotics for the wounded in the East of Ukraine», initiated by the Charitable Foundation “and I believe”.

under this program, customers of Raiffeisen Bank Aval, which are using the system Internet banking "Raiffeisen Online" already transferred 552 464 UAH for the purchase of necessary antibiotics for the Ukrainian soldiers undergoing treatment in the hospitals of the country.

In July of 2016 with the assistance of the Bank's clients were purchased and transferred to antibiotic Kololo in the amount of UAH 35 057. for 3 warriors who are undergoing treatment in the Main clinical hospital of the Ministry of defense of Ukraine in Kiev.

the program in recent months, was aimed at helping the injured, undergoing treatment at the National military hospital of the defense Ministry of Ukraine in Kiev. Most of them require urgent or prophylactic treatment with antibiotics to fight the sepsis of the blood.

Details of the process of Fund use can be found here:

At this time, the request for assistance to fighters of the drugs continue to flow. Therefore, the program «Antibiotics for the wounded in the East of Ukraine» proceeds.

Invite users of Internet banking "Raiffeisen Online” to join to raise funds for the Charity "Hope and trust” for the purchase of antibiotics for the wounded Ukrainian soldiers.

the drugs Purchased are passed as the destination address specific assistance to wounded soldiers.

To make a payment, use the menu “Payment in favor of 3 persons" Internet banking "Raiffeisen Online”.


Details for assistance:

Account: 26003459991

MFO: 380805

enterprise Code: 33777790

Recipient: BF “AND I BELIEVE”


the Purpose of the payment: the charitable help on antibiotics for the wounded