Pay attention to changes in the Raiffeisen Online application
Dear users of the mobile application Raiffeisen Online, please pay attention to the updates in the application.
For you to access the mobile application for the first time, please enter your login, password and the confirmation code that you received in an sms message.
When entering Raiffeisen Online with the use of your login and password, you can set up your next access to the system with the help of your biometric data (your fingerprint, Face ID), a pin-code or by using your login and password.
In case you forget your login and password, please follow the instructions:
1. Open Raiffeisen Online and press the button “Forget password or login”.
2. Recover your password and login according to the application prompts.
3. Permit the application to send PUSH-messages for quick confirmation of transactions and informing about the cash flow.
If you have any questions, please turn to the Raiffeisen Online support service – 0 800 500 133.