Raiffeisen Bank Aval has supported the Kyiv Sotka cycle race for the sixth time | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Raiffeisen Bank Aval has supported the Kyiv Sotka cycle race for the sixth time #2 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval
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Raiffeisen Bank Aval has supported the Kyiv Sotka cycle race for the sixth time #11 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Raiffeisen Bank Aval has supported the Kyiv Sotka cycle race for the sixth time #12 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Raiffeisen Bank Aval has supported the Kyiv Sotka cycle race for the sixth time #13 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Raiffeisen Bank Aval has supported the Kyiv Sotka cycle race for the sixth time #14 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Raiffeisen Bank Aval has supported the Kyiv Sotka cycle race for the sixth time #15 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Raiffeisen Bank Aval has supported the Kyiv Sotka cycle race for the sixth time #16 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval
02 September 2019

Raiffeisen Bank Aval has supported the Kyiv Sotka cycle race for the sixth time

Kyiv. 2 September. – Raiffeisen Bank Aval has for the sixth time supported the annual amateur cycle race “Kyivska Sotka”, organized jointly by a number companies with Serhiy Kharchuk, as the initiator of the project, at the head.

The organizers of the event make annual records in terms of the number of attendees of the competition. This year, the sport event gathered about 2,100 funs of amateur cycling, who competed for prize positions in more than twenty nominations. Like in the previous year, the cycle race started in Khreschatyk Street in the direction of Stolychne Highway, followed by an amazing race with a finish near Odessa Square.

Raiffeisen Bank Aval’s corporate team was happy to take part in that large-scale event, which promotes a healthy way of living, cycling sport and active use of this ecology friendly kind of transport by Ukrainian people.

The bike race participants noted a modern level of organization, professional refereeing and a high security of the event.