Raiffeisen Bank Aval supported TEDxKSE for the second time
Kyiv. 28 October. – Raiffeisen Bank Aval has become the key partner of an amazing TED event, organized by the Kyiv School of Economics – TEDxKSE.
This year, 13 experts in different spheres shared their ideas about ways of changing the world around with a hundred of participants of the event.
We thank you the organizers of the event for a chance to become part of this important initiative, which is aimed at changing life for better.
TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is an educational project, launched in 1984. Its slogan is “Ideas worth spreading”. Its main target is to give a speaker an opportunity in the form of short talks (up to 18 minutes) to spread a worthy idea. The idea may be not new, but it should be from the speaker’s own experience.