Raiffeisen Bank Aval offered investment loan without collateral for small business clients | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Raiffeisen Bank Aval offered investment loan without collateral for small business clients #2 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval
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Raiffeisen Bank Aval offered investment loan without collateral for small business clients #11 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Raiffeisen Bank Aval offered investment loan without collateral for small business clients #12 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Raiffeisen Bank Aval offered investment loan without collateral for small business clients #13 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Raiffeisen Bank Aval offered investment loan without collateral for small business clients #14 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Raiffeisen Bank Aval offered investment loan without collateral for small business clients #15 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Raiffeisen Bank Aval offered investment loan without collateral for small business clients #16 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval
08 February 2017

Raiffeisen Bank Aval offered investment loan without collateral for small business clients

Kiev. 8 Feb. — Raiffeisen Bank Aval offered to small business customers new and unique for the domestic market the product — “Investment credit without collateral”. Since January 2017 it is already decorated in branches of Raiffeisen Bank Aval.

Key benefits of the new product to customers — the ability to obtain funds for the purchase of machinery and equipment both new and used, to compensate for the investment costs as recently implemented and planned in the future. In addition, the lack of collateral gives the possibility to obtain the credit quickly — the client will be able to use the money in 5-7 days after treatment in the Bank.

“this program can be accomplished in various investments in business, even to buy the software or to make repairs to the premises, machinery or equipment. Innovativeness of the program lies in the fact that the loan can be obtained on investments which are planned for the future, and to refinance those that have already been made in the past (but not earlier than 6 months)», — said Galina Nazarenko, head of the development and implementation of credit products for small business clients of Raiffeisen Bank Aval.

She added that this program is a partial alternative to leasing: “the Key difference is that we give the customer the opportunity to buy any machinery, equipment and vehicles, including those that were in use. Leasing companies do not work with this technique, and if funded, it is only checked by experts and liquid, and she herself is the key”.

the Parameters of the investment loan from Raiffeisen Bank Aval:

• credit period — 24–36 months;

• interest rate — 27%;

• loan currency-UAH;

• maximum limit — 500 thousand UAH;

• one-time Commission for granting of loan — 0,99%;

• the initial payment-20%;

• repayment schedule-annuity (for agroking possible the establishment of individual repayment schedule).

to Obtain more information about this and other products in the Information center Raiffeisen Bank Aval for small and medium business on 0800 50 50 45(all calls from landline and mobile phones in Ukraine-free).