Raiffeisen Bank Aval has prolonged cancellation of late payment charges on PI loans until 30 June | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Raiffeisen Bank Aval has prolonged cancellation of late payment charges on PI loans until 30 June #2 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval
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Raiffeisen Bank Aval has prolonged cancellation of late payment charges on PI loans until 30 June #11 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Raiffeisen Bank Aval has prolonged cancellation of late payment charges on PI loans until 30 June #12 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Raiffeisen Bank Aval has prolonged cancellation of late payment charges on PI loans until 30 June #13 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Raiffeisen Bank Aval has prolonged cancellation of late payment charges on PI loans until 30 June #14 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Raiffeisen Bank Aval has prolonged cancellation of late payment charges on PI loans until 30 June #15 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval Raiffeisen Bank Aval has prolonged cancellation of late payment charges on PI loans until 30 June #16 | Raiffeisen Bank Aval
20 May 2020

Raiffeisen Bank Aval has prolonged cancellation of late payment charges on PI loans until 30 June

We continue to monitor the situation in Ukraine and we understand that we should also support our clients during a gradual coming out of the quarantine.

With this view, Raiffeisen Bank Aval has taken a decision to prolong cancellation of fines for late payments of PI loans for another month – until 30 June, 2020.

As before, clients of the bank having financial difficulties are also able to use loan repayment holidays.

For those clients, who have already had this offer provided automatically or on an individual basis, all the conditions offered remain unchanged.   

In case you need a repayment holiday and have not turned our bank with a respective request yet, you are welcome to fill in an online application:

for cash loans – https://www.aval.ua/promo/restrukturyzatsiya-hotivkovoho-kredytu

for credit cards – https://www.aval.ua/promo/credit_card_holidays

for mortgage loans – https://www.aval.ua/promo/restrukturyzatsiya-ipotechnoho-kredytu

We will solve all your matters online. Take care of yourself!
