Raiffeisen Bank Aval, EBA and VISA are launching Raif Premium educational project
On March 15, 2021 Raiffeisen Bank Aval together with European Business Association (EBA) and VISA are launching their joint project to improve entrepreneurs' access to quality international business education.
As part of the project, Raiffeisen Bank Aval's business premium clients have the opportunity to take part in any educational events and programs presented on EBA Professional Development Center platform. Thus, entrepreneurs who are premium clients of the bank have access to dozens of lectures, trainings, business games and development programs in 20 different areas involving the best international and Ukrainian experts. From now on, the bank's premium business clients have got the opportunity to participate in events on equal terms with members of European Business Association!
In order to join educational activities, business client must be served in "Business Elite +" or "Business Elite" package and be registered in Raiffeisen Business chatbot to register in chatbot menu "Educational program EBA". To join the selected event, the entrepreneur must leave an application for participation on EBA website on the page of the relevant educational event or program via "Raif Premium" button after registration.
“Firstly, EBA educational platform has been created to serve the needs of Association's member companies, mainly representatives of big business, to acquire new knowledge and training of their employees. Later, small entrepreneurs has gained the opportunity to study with expanded participation in Unlimit Ukraine program. Now we want to try this new format with Raiffeisen Bank Aval, so that companies not members of the Association and its projects have also access to premium business trainings,” – comments Olena Ero, Project Manager of Unlimit Ukraine, Raif Premium Project Coordinator of European Business Association.
Qualified business education allows Raiffeisen Bank Aval's premium business clients to improve their skills and open new ways to solve business issues, as well as provide an understanding of effective tools needed to do business in today's reality. More information about available programs.