Don’t miss the Austrian Cinema Week in Kyiv on 10-15 September
The ninth Austrian Cinema Week will be held in the Kyiv movie house “Zhovten” on 10-15 September 2020.
This traditional annual festival will be held supported by Raiffeisen Bank Aval as the general partner. The festival organizers, the Austrian Cultural Forum in Kyiv and the Arthouse Traffic company, have prepared prime and high-profile Austrian films of the recent years for cinema lovers.
Details about the films of the festival program and tickets are here:
• the tragicomedy “My friend Sigmund Freud”:
• the documentary film “Behind the Scenes of the Vienna Opera”:
• the drama “The Ground Beneath My Feet”:
• the adventure film “How I Learned to be a Child”:
• the collection of the best works of the international multimedia art festival ARS ELECTRONICA:
The films are shown in the original language with subtitles.
All the festival events will be held in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine concerning mass cultural events during the quarantine period.