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10 February 2015

Raiffeisen group doesn't intend to leave the Ukrainian market

Vienna. 10 Feb. — “Raiffeisen Group doesn't intend to leave the Ukrainian market», — said the Chairman of the Board of Raiffeisen Bank international Karl Sevelda during the conference call for investors on their pre-announcement not confirmed by audit of the results of operations of RBI for the fiscal year 2014, as well as the presentation of the new strategic vision of the Group in subsequent years.

In his report, Mr. Sevelda said that Ukraine Raiffeisen Group has a successful subsidiary Bank with a stable situation with liquidity, a significant interest margin and a high level of reserves to cover potential risks. “konsolidiruyutsya Market offers special opportunities for doing business, which leads to increased customer base and additional income from the Commission business for Raiffeisen Bank Aval», — he said.

programmes to update its strategy, the Group aims to reduce risk-weighted assets in Ukraine by 30 percent over the next three years. This decision caused by the difficult current situation in the region. “we are Now largely focused on deals with multinational customers, the agribusiness and trade Finance», — Sevelda added.